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  • Doing time with drippy hippies doing 12 months
  • Doing time with drippy hippies doing 12 months
  • Winter is slippy , drippy , nippy
  • The harrowing war scenes never feel like director ' s grandstanding , and the sentimental moments are heart - wrenching without becoming drippy
  • For one out of five unlucky souls in the u . s . , there ' s no mistaking the red , swollen eyes , drippy nose , sore throat and angry , inflamed nasal passages
  • The factors influencing on the performance of ash - jd such as the moore ratio of monomers , the reaction temperature and time , concentration , the ph value of reaction solution and the drippy speed of formaldehyde were studied carefully . through experiments , the optimum level of those factors was gained
    论文详细研究了反应单体的摩尔比、反应温度、时间、浓度、反应溶液的酸碱度及甲醛的滴加速度等对产品ash - jd性能的影响,通过试验,得到了这些因素的最佳水平。
  • It's difficult to see drippy in a sentence. 用drippy造句挺难的
如何用drippy造句,用drippy造句drippy in a sentence, 用drippy造句和drippy的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。