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  • The book is closely based on an earlier collection, " Driftglass ", which first appeared in 1971.
  • Note, nevertheless, that even " Driftglass ", with its suggestion of wandering, continues the theme of homelessness that the current title and the epigraph suggest.
  • Thus, it is probably not wrong to read " Aye, and Gomorrah, and other stories " as an ideal version of the older " Driftglass ".
  • When the first collection was put together, Delany and his editor gave serious thought to calling it " Aye, and Gomorrah ", instead of " Driftglass ".
  • Before it appeared in " Driftglass " and " Aye, and Gomorrah, and other stories ", it first appeared as the final story in Harlan Ellison's seminal 1967 anthology, " Dangerous Visions ".
  • Jewels, reflection, and refraction  not just the imagery but reflection and refraction of text and concepts  are also strong themes and metaphors in Delany s work : Titles such as " The Jewels of Aptor ", " The Jewel-Hinged Jaw ", " Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones ", " Driftglass ", and " Dark Reflections " along with the optic chain of prisms, mirrors, and lenses worn by several characters in " Dhalgren " are a few examples of this; as in " We ( . . ) move on a rigorous line " a ring is nearly obsessively described at every twist and turn of the plot.
  • It's difficult to see driftglass in a sentence. 用driftglass造句挺难的
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