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  • She has been more dressy since you came on the carpet
  • Could you help me pick up a dressy dress
  • You can ' t wear that to the reception it ' s not dressy enough
    你不能穿那种衣服出席招待会- -不太庄重
  • It ' s a cocktail party . kinda dressy
  • You can ' t wear that to the reception it ' s not dressy enough
    你不能穿那种衣服出席招待会- -不太庄重
  • They ' re a very dressy couple
  • Dressy fellow he was once . used to change three suits in the day
  • The dressy manager was shaken by the hand three times in as many minutes
  • This young woman was particularly dressy for her station , and wore a jewelled ring or two which flashed upon her white fingers as she played
  • I had two school uniforms , a green dress , a brown dress , and one dress with three rows of frills for sunday , too dressy for an interview
  • It's difficult to see dressy in a sentence. 用dressy造句挺难的
  • The dressy young blade said it was her husband s that put her in that expectation or at least it ought to be unless she were another ephesian matron
    该衣着入时之浮华青年191曰: “使伊陷入如此困境者,其夫也理应是其夫,除非伊乃另一名以弗所女子192 。 ”
  • Dressing up for work can just as hard as dressing down . dressy office occasions include dinner with a client , dinner at the boss ' s house , a banquet , a client ' s party , or an office holiday
  • The latter s genial nature and dressy appearance pleased him . he knew that drouet was only a travelling salesman - and not one of many years at that - but the firm of bartlett , caryoe company was a large and prosperous house , and drouet stood well
  • Yet , here is the fact of the lighted chamber , the dressy , greedy company , the small , self - interested palaver , the disorganized , aimless , wandering mental action which it represents - the love of light and show and finery which , to one outside , under the serene light of the eternal stars , must seem a strange and shiny thing
  • Sauce for the gander . a hackney car , number three hundred and twentyfour , driver barton james of number one harmony avenue , donnybrook , on which sat a fare , a young gentleman , stylishly dressed in an indigoblue serge suit made by george robert mesias , tailor and cutter , of number five eden quay , and wearing a straw hat very dressy , bought of john plasto of number one great brunswick street , hatter
如何用dressy造句,用dressy造句dressy in a sentence, 用dressy造句和dressy的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。