- "DragonHeart, " though, belongs to Connery.
- "Dragonheart, " however, is an exception.
- May 5 : Charles Pogue ( " Dragonheart,"
- Or Rob Cohen's films ( " Dragonheart,"
- Directed by Rob Cohen ( " Dragonheart,"
- "Dragonheart " got the third nomination.
- All members except Dawson formed DragonHeart, which later became known as DragonForce.
- Overall, though, " DragonHeart, " like Draco, soars.
- "Mission : Impossible " and " Dragonheart " anyway.
- Other films include " Dragonheart,"
- It's difficult to see dragonheart in a sentence. 用dragonheart造句挺难的
- 49 . ( X ) " Fox Movie Special : Dragonheart,"
- "Dragonheart " and Kenneth Branagh's " Hamlet ."
- _" Dragonheart,"
- In " Dragonheart,"
- "Dragonheart " delivers.
- Like " Dragonheart,"
- This year's other visual effects Oscar nomination candidates include " Dragonheart,"
- Rating : " Dragonheart " is rated PG-13 ( Parents strongly cautioned ).
- "Dragonheart " has what it needs at its heart _ namely, the dragon.
- But where he and director Rob Cohen ( Dragonheart ) have taken this particular movie is backward.
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