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  • Three porphyrin complexes of palladium were chosen as phosphorescence sensing molecules : palladium - meso - tetra ( trimethylaminophenyl ) porphyrin ( pd - tapp ) , palladium - coporphyrin ( pdcp ) and palladium - meso - tetra ( p - sulfonicphenyl ) porphyrin ( pd - tspp ) . they were bound to dowex resins , and made into oxygen sensor . we detected the characteristics such as sensitivities and response times combined with flow injection analysis ( fia ) technology
    选取了三种金属钯的卟啉配合物:四- (三甲氨基苯基)钯卟啉( pd - tapp ) 、钯粪卟啉( pd - cp ) 、四- (对磺酸基苯基)钯卟啉( pd - tspp )作为磷光传感分子,将其固定在dowex树脂上,制成传感器,并与流动注射分析技术( fia )结合起来,考察了其对氧的传感灵敏性,时间响应特性等条件。
  • It's difficult to see dowex in a sentence. 用dowex造句挺难的
如何用dowex造句,用dowex造句dowex in a sentence, 用dowex造句和dowex的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。