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  • With the greatest alacrity , miss douce agreed
    “马上就端来, ”杜丝小姐答应道。
  • O welcome back , miss douce . he held her hand
    “咦,欢迎你回来啦,杜丝小姐。 ”
  • But wait till i tell you , miss douce entreated
    “可你听我说呀, ”杜丝小姐恳求说。
  • Miss douce turned to her tea aside
  • Miss douce chimed in in deep bronze laughter , shouting
  • Composition of chemie douce and characterization of iron - doped nano - zno
  • Miss douce took boylan s coin , struck boldly the cashregister
  • He was in at lunchtime , miss douce said . lenehan came forward
    “吃午饭的时候他来过, ”杜丝小姐说。
  • Modernization et barbarie douce
  • So sad to look at his face , miss douce condoled
    “我一看他的脸就觉得难过, ”杜丝小姐用同情的口吻说。
  • It's difficult to see douce in a sentence. 用douce造句挺难的
  • When all agog miss douce said eagerly : - look at the fellow in the tall silk
  • Douce now . douce lydia
  • Afterwits , miss douce promised coyly . - no , now , urged lenehan . sonnezlacloche
    “不,马上就来, ”利内翰催促着, “敲响那白钟!
  • No , she was not so lonely archly miss douce s head let mr lidwell know
  • Miss douce said yes , sitting with his ex , pearl grey and eau de nil
    杜丝小姐说是啊,和大人并肩坐着,发灰的珍珠色和一片淡绿蓝色21 。
  • Douce mien , to pursue progression and to advance the artistic standards
  • Loud boots unmannerly asked . - find out , miss douce retorted , leaving her spyingpoint
    “你猜猜看, ”杜丝小姐边离开她那侦察点,边回答说。
  • Bidding her neck and hands adieu miss douce - those things only bring out a rash , replied , reseated
  • It snapped . jingle into dorset street . miss douce withdrew her satiny arm , reproachful , pleased
  • Those who are married , mr best , douce herald , said , all save one , shall live
    “已经结婚的, ”安详的使者贝斯特先生说, “除了一个人,都将活下去。
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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