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  • When the ratio of the execution time of point additions to that of point doublings is 3 during computing scalar multiplication, the parallel efficiency of the proposed algorithm could be best, 90 %
  • The second algorithm compute 2k p directly from p, where p is a random point on an elliptic curve, without computing the intermediate points, which is faster than k repeated doublings
  • When the nonlinear action of slope itself is equivalent to the action of outside environment, the evolution process of slope is of chaos phenomenon and its road to chaos is realized with bifurcation of period doublings
  • Ray kurzweil, in his book the age of spiritual machines, calculates that there have been 32 doublings since world war ii and that the singularity point ? the point at which total computational power will rise to levels so far beyond anything that we can imagine that it will appear nearly infinite and thus be indistinguishable from omniscience ? may be upon us as early as 2050
  • It's difficult to see doublings in a sentence. 用doublings造句挺难的
如何用doublings造句,用doublings造句doublings in a sentence, 用doublings造句和doublings的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。