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  • The family Charadriidae includes the plovers, dotterels, and lapwings.
  • The family Charadriidae includes the plovers, dotterels and lapwings.
  • The Charadriidae family includes the plovers, dotterels and lapwings.
  • The male dotterel generally is responsible for incubation and looks after the chicks.
  • Coastal birds include the New Zealand dotterel, blue reef heron and variable oystercatcher.
  • Charadriidae includes the plovers, dotterels and lapwings.
  • A group of dotterels may be referred to as a " trip ".
  • The dotterel is a migratory species, moving northward in spring and southward in autumn.
  • Other important bird species using the riverbed are black-fronted tern and banded dotterel.
  • They are a subfamily of medium-sized wading birds which also includes the plovers and dotterels.
  • It's difficult to see dotterel in a sentence. 用dotterel造句挺难的
  • Norway lemming, Arctic fox, snowy owl, Eurasian dotterel, ptarmigan, and ring ouzel.
  • Penguins, terns and dotterels are located along the shoreline, with hooded plovers nesting in exposed locations.
  • The dotterel's food is insects and other small invertebrates such as snails and worms and shellfish.
  • In most cases the cock dotterel successfully prevents other males from getting his mate and fertilizing her eggs.
  • In the summit area a dotterel, a few pairs of which bred almost all year round until 1995.
  • Callion has also carried out a comprehensive study of the Eurasian dotterel along the lines of his European stonechat research.
  • The Vanellinae are collectively called "'lapwings "'but also contain the ancient red-kneed dotterel.
  • The bird is tame and unsuspecting and the term " dotterel " has been applied contemptuously to mean an old fool.
  • Unlike many other wading birds, black-fronted dotterels retain the same plumage all year round, which makes identification easier.
  • Sandpipers nest beside the lakes, the rare twite inhabits the Nant Ffrancon Valley and dotterels are found on the upper slopes.
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