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  • The clastic rocks widespread in the triassic xikang group in western sichuan consist dominantly of turbiditic flysch formations
  • The ion beam implantation induced aberration of ml in many aspects . firstly, it was displayed dominantly in the germination rates
  • The central concept of histosols is that of soils that are dominantly organic . they are mostly soils that are commonly called bogs, moors, or peats and mucks
  • Today most of the ancient hindu architecture thrives in temples of south india and south-east asia as the subsequent forces of islam transformed the cultural landscape of india more dominantly in the north
  • With networked manufacture technologies, allying the middle & small enterprises in the same economic region, and sharing information and resources, can dominantly raise the competition ability of the entire industry group
  • Finally, the author definitely points out m & as and reconstruction of public companies should progress to the model that the mechanism of marker will operate dominantly, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures
  • The mineralogical characteristics suggest that different rock types of kuzigan intrusion are products of the same magma, and that the magma, instead of being affected much by fractional crystallization, has dominantly experienced equilibrating crystallization
  • Is living present the curriculum teaching material reforms continuously heaing for to penetrate into, the education through attends an examination to quality education revolves below the track backdrop, and should take the step asking for the effectiveness 45 minutes to the schoolroom, and strengthen the research that the multi-medium assisted the chemical industry information education, and brings into play the imitation meritorous service capacity of cai in being living the chemical industry information education in middle school, the multi-medium unites the meritorous service capacity, specific guidance meritorous service capacity, takes student as the main part, tutor act as dominantly, the education maneuver is launched in the interest of the assisting measure to the multi-medium ? in being living chemical industry information education research in middle school also should carry on the special topic research of cai, and be living inner place the specified limit, and launching cai's courseware development together with coordination, much qualitys goods
  • Based on the comprehensive study on contact erosion and massive tests, it is found that the erosion of cb contacts is dominantly depend on the arcing time and breaking current . this paper analyses the mechanism of electrical arc of vacuum circuit breaker and discusses the primary factores . then this paper put forwardes a way to prognosticates the life exepctancy of electrical endurance of vacuum circuit breaker base on the power of arc
  • The numerical results indicate that the deformation within the solid inner core is very small . however, in the fluid outer core, the changes of the displacement with relatively low spherical harmonic degree ( n < 10 ) is very complicated via the radius, due to the resonance near the eigenfrequenies of the core long-period oscillations . while the spherical harmonic degree of the loading is larger than 10, the deformation and the gravitational perturbation in the core are very small, and the earth's deformation response is dominantly represented as the radial displacement in the elastic mantle
  • It's difficult to see dominantly in a sentence. 用dominantly造句挺难的
  • The variations in trace element contents and ratios may hold up a mirror to the lake-level fluctuations and climatic changes, which, in turn, have exerted a direct and important effect on the sequence stratigraphic development . collectively, the reservoir rocks from the yanchang formation consist dominantly of the delta front subfacies subaqueous distributary channel and channel-mouth bar microfacies and delta plain subfacies subaerial distributary channel microfacies fine-grained feldspar sandstones and siltstones . the reservoir rocks have been subjected to three stages of diagenetic and porosity evolution : ( 1 ) the porosity reduction by the mechanical compaction and chemical pressure solution during the early diagenetic stage; ( 2 ) the porosity increase by the dissolution during the a substage of the late diagenetic stage, and ( 3 ) the porosity reduction by the cementation and filling during the b substage of the late diagenetic stage
  • According to rock and mineral analysis, the formation consists dominantly of detrital feldspathic fine-sandstone with medium and silt sandstone secondly . lithologically, the content quartz is lower than those of feldspar and detritus, and the cement is dominated by clay, which gives the feature of low compositional maturity and low textural maturity
  • Because it had demonstrated our country universities nurturing the human achievement in the high level, impels between the universities and society's exchange effectively, now has become a dominantly activity in the university student class-odd science and technology culture activity; because of in national university student extracurricular academic science and technology domain guideness, demonstrativeness and mass character, it is crowned a fine reputation of the olympics in chinese university student academic scientific and technical circles
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