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  • Datang bridge park , tianmen mountain scenic spot
  • Hangzhou datang electrical appliances co . , ltd
  • Little sun abrasive co . , ltd . datang abrasives co . , ltd
  • Excavation and dewatering construction plan of datang garden underground garage
  • Analysis on the establishment of rural cluster brand : a survey at datang socks cluster in zhejiang province
  • Datang qing shi
  • Construction techniques of the shield tunneling of guangzhou no . 3 metro line from station kecun to station datang
  • Incorporated in jan 2003 , t3g is a joint venture by philips , datang , samsung and motorola
  • Incorporated in jan 2003 , t3g is a joint venture by philips , datang mobile , samsung and motorola
  • T3g ' s founding partners are philips , datang , samsung , and motorola joined and became a new investor in jan 2005
  • It's difficult to see datang in a sentence. 用datang造句挺难的
  • T3g ' s founding partners are philips , datang mobile , samsung , and motorola joined and became a new investor in jan 2005
  • In regard to terminal chip development , spreadtrum , t3g , commit , datang , cyit , and huawei have all made progresses
  • Somewhat lower temperature phenomenon of main steam has been existing for a long time on boiler on . 5 in datang taiyuan co - generation power
  • Datang education channel launched a new column named " the new english " , everyday the channel gives you an english program
  • In chips , datang / adi , kaiming , tianqi , spreadtrum communications inc . and so on have launched terminal chip solutions and mobile phone reference designs
    芯片方面,大唐/ adi 、凯明、天、展讯等公司已推出终端芯片解决方案和手机参考设计。
  • Sp30nas ( sp30 network access server ) with agile management and configure method , is a kind of telecommunication - class access server developed by xi ' an datang telephone corporation
    Sp30nas ( sp30networkaccessserver )是西安大唐电信有限公司研制成功的电信级接入服务器。
  • Moreover , this paper has carried on the experience summary to pass the studying and analysis of the development course to the industrial cluster of datang socks industry of zhejiang province
  • The object studied in this paper is an embedded functional modu1e of sp30 sw1tch system produced by xi " an datang telephone corp . it can provide various service intelfaces of ddn for users
  • The companys major customers include united technologies corporation , emerson , tech group asia singapore , huawei shenzhen , jinpeng guangzhou , datang telecom , dbtel shanghai and other famous companies home and abroad
  • Unicom has selected polycom of the united states as main equipment supplier of the network . the xingtang company , a subsidiary of the datang group , will provide system integration and operation support as well as related software
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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