- The film was produced and directed by Ben Daitz and narrated by Bob Edwards.
- In 1999, at the urging of gallery director Evelyn Daitz, he had a major retrospective of his work to that point at The Witkin Gallery.
- Plastic sheeting fencing has been placed on Dassen Island to prevent penguins from reaching the polluted water, said David Daitz, chief executive of the Western Cape Nature Conservation Board.
- "The groundwork that has been laid over the last several years, is that it's okay for men to take care of themselves and indulge themselves with toiletry products, " said Mitchell Daitz, president of Datamonitor.
- Evelyn Daitz took over his gallery and continued to run it until 1999 . Further Steichen portfolios appeared in 1986, " Juxtapositions ", 12 photographs, and 1987, " The Blue Sky ", 12 photographs.
- He has since served as the Victor Daitz Chair in HIV / AIDS Research, Director of Biomedical Science at the Centre for HIV / AIDS Networking ( HIVAN ), and the scientific director of the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute at the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine at the University of KwaZulu Natal.
- It's difficult to see daitz in a sentence. 用daitz造句挺难的