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  • Cherrybark oak is another type of red oak which provides excellent timber.
  • Many wildlife species use cherrybark acorns as a substantial part of their diets.
  • Cherrybark cannot tolerate suppression for very long.
  • Acorn supply is one of the principal determinants of the amount of natural cherrybark oak reproduction.
  • Many wildlife species use its acorns as food, and cherrybark oak makes a fine shade tree.
  • Cherrybark oak is often found as individual trees in mixed stands, where it usually occurs in a dominant or codominant position.
  • Cherrybark oak was formerly considered to be a subspecies of southern red oak, " Quercus falcata ", subsp " pagodifolia ".
  • Cherrybark oaks often attain heights of 100 to 130 feet and diameters of 36 to 60 inches, making it among the largest of the red oaks in the South.
  • Southern Forest Region ( southern yellow pines ) Shortleaf Pine ( Type 75 ), Loblolly Pine-Shortleaf Pine ( Type 80 ); ( oak-pine type ) Loblolly Pine-Hardwood ( Type 82 ); ( bottom-land type ) Swamp Chestnut Oak-Cherrybark Oak ( Type 91 ).
  • It's difficult to see cherrybark in a sentence. 用cherrybark造句挺难的
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