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  • Potatoes contain the natural toxins solanine, arsenic and chaconine.
  • However, it is an indication that increased level of solanine and chaconine may be present.
  • "' Solanidine "'is a poisonous steroidal alkaloid chemical ?-chaconine, present in potatoes.
  • Potatoes naturally produce solanine and chaconine, a related glycoalkaloid, as a stems, and shoots are naturally high in glycoalkaloids.
  • For example, boiling potatoes reduces the ?-chaconine and ?-solanine levels by only 3.5 % and 1.2 %, respectively; the corresponding loss during microwaving is 15 %.
  • It's difficult to see chaconine in a sentence. 用chaconine造句挺难的
如何用chaconine造句,用chaconine造句chaconine in a sentence, 用chaconine造句和chaconine的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。