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  • The cittern family survives as the Corsican cetara and the Portuguese guitar, the descendant of English instruments brought into Portugal in the 18th century.
  • The Roman garum is the ancient sauce most similar to that used for the modern " Colatura di Alici ", typical of Cetara.
  • ""'Sgarro alla camorra " "'( i . e . " Offence to the Camorra " ) is a 1973 Italian crime film written and directed by Ettore Maria Fizzarotti and starring Cetara, Province of Salerno.
  • A large part of the population lived in the surrounding hamlets, some of them hard to reach, thus extending the territory as far as Cetara ( which, together with Vietri sul Mare and other smaller hamlets, seceded from Cava in 1806 ).
  • It's difficult to see cetara in a sentence. 用cetara造句挺难的
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