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  • Developing countries are unfairly sidelined in the IMF, said Buira.
  • Buira Seira said, predicting a much lower inflation rate next year.
  • Ariel Buira, director of the G24 group of nations, told reporters.
  • Is User : MARCOS BUIRA PARDO trying to explain this, or some other process ?"
  • The government expects foreign investment and overseas borrowing to provide financing needed to keep the hobbled Mexican economy moving, Buira Seira added.
  • A government program to dampen consumption has nearly eliminated the trade deficit in the first two months of this year, Buira Seira said.
  • "Our financial requirements are less than we envisaged, " said Buira Seira, at a lunch at the tony 21 Club.
  • Buira, a former IMF economist and board member of the Bank of Mexico, said developing countries could muster many highly qualified, experienced potential candidates.
  • Buira Seira said Mexico will continue to draw on IMF and U . S . funds to restructure its short-term borrowings into debts with longer maturities.
  • Most of the money has been used to meet payments for the government's short-term dollar-indexed bonds, called tesobonos, said Buira Seira.
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  • Many governments, however, would rather give priority to social investments over repaying debt, a position which would be understood by an IMF head from a developing nation, Buira said.
  • The country's need for emergency short-term funds has eased somewhat because of increased trade flows and tight monetary policy, said Ariel Buira Seira, deputy governor of the Banco de Mexico.
  • "We're seeking a transparent procedure which attracts the best candidates regardless of nationality, " said Buira, who was visiting United Nations offices in Geneva for a trade and aid meeting.
  • The government has drawn dlrs 7.5 billion from a dlrs 17.8 billion International Monetary Fund aid package and dlrs 5.2 billion from a dlrs 20 billion U . S . rescue loan, said Buira Seira.
  • Loans from the Banco de Mexico will be limited to 10 billion pesos this year ( dlrs 1.48 billion at current exchange rates ), compared with 66 billion pesos in 1994, deputy governor Ariel Buira Seira said in an interview.
  • They also appear in " Tarzan the Invincible ", " Tarzan Triumphant ", and " Tarzan's Quest ", in which Muviro's search for his lost daughter Buira forms an important sub-plot to the main action, as well as " Tarzan the Magnificent " and the short story " Tarzan and the Champion, " which forms part of the collection " Tarzan and the Castaways ".
  • Subsequent appearances include book 12, " Tarzan and the Lost Empire ", the first book to give his title as sub-chief, book 13, " Tarzan at the Earth's Core ", in which he and some of his warriors accompany the Ape Man to the subterranean realm of Pellucidar, book 14, " Tarzan the Invincible ", book 15, " Tarzan Triumphant ", book 19, " Tarzan's Quest ", in which his search for his lost daughter Buira forms an important sub-plot to the main action, book 21, " Tarzan the Magnificent ", and the short story " Tarzan and the Champion, " collected in book 24, " Tarzan and the Castaways ".
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