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  • Located in an area recognised for its vineyards and wines, Iai is part of a traditional Bohotin vineyards.
  • ""'Busuioac de Bohotin " "'( ) is a grape which originates from the Bohotin region, in Southeast Ia _ i County, Romania, and is also cultivated in other small areas : Hu _ i in Vaslui County, Pietroasele in Buzu County and ha.
  • ""'Busuioac de Bohotin " "'( ) is a grape which originates from the Bohotin region, in Southeast Ia _ i County, Romania, and is also cultivated in other small areas : Hu _ i in Vaslui County, Pietroasele in Buzu County and ha.
  • It became the topic of controversy, proving that the Ghica-Comneti branch, including his rival Eugen, were usurpers of the princely name, and descended from the Suldjaroglu family . as a volume, alongside other historical sketches : monographs of Rducneni Bohotin and Moldavian Catholicism and the Csangos, and a genealogy of the Rducneni Rosettis.
  • It's difficult to see bohotin in a sentence. 用bohotin造句挺难的
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