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  • The boh area is only accessible to appropriately accredited people
  • The boh cameronian arts awards
  • Boh areas are typically located out of the view of the public , and access is restricted
  • No . 27 . boh : abbreviation for " beginning on hand " the amount of an item before any item are ordered or received
  • Boh ! madam mope ! ' cried the voice of john reed ; then he paused : he found the room apparently empty
    “嘘!苦恼小姐! ”约翰.里德叫唤着,随后又打住了,显然发觉房间里空无一人。
  • The ceremony was officiated by bishop hwa yung ( bishop of the methodist church in malaysia ) and rev boh che suan ( president of chinese annual conference , methodist church in malaysia )
  • Typically boh includes those areas of a venue designed to support the operations of the venue such as loading docks , administration offices , construction compounds , materials transfer , drop off areas , parking , salle ports , storage and site sheds
  • It's difficult to see boh in a sentence. 用boh造句挺难的
如何用boh造句,用boh造句boh in a sentence, 用boh造句和boh的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。