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  • The two leaders met monday at the summer palace in indonesia ' s resort of bogor
  • The two leaders met monday at the summer palace in indonesia ' s resort of bogor
  • Closed on monday take a day trip to bogor an hour s drive away and visit
    Bogor ,并顺道欣赏著名波格尔拉雅公园kebun raya bogor的花卉。
  • Ministers agreed to push forward with trade reforms known as the bogor goals to be completed in five to ten years
  • Ministers agreed to push forward with trade reforms known as the bogor goals to be completed in five to ten years
    部长们一致表示要在5 ~ 10年内完成以“茂物目标”为名的贸易改革。
  • Toti , a five - day - old male baby orangutan ( pongo pygmaeus ) from borneo , lies at an animal hospital in taman safari park in bogor , west java august 9 , 2005
  • Accomplishments of note include the " bogor vision " to establish free and open trade and investment in the region by 2010 for industrialized economies and by 2020 for developing nations
  • At the same time , it is obvious that the road to achieving these goals is not as easy as it might have seemed during the adoption of the bogor declaration and the osaka action plan
  • It has lifted countless lives in this region , from asia to australia to the americas . together , we must meet the bogor goals , including free trade for every nation in this region by 2020
  • Given such a situation , apec members should renew their commitment to the bogor goals , and at the same time , work together to reject trade protectionism , remove trade barriers and resolve whatever trade disputes they have through dialogues and consultations
  • It's difficult to see bogor in a sentence. 用bogor造句挺难的
如何用bogor造句,用bogor造句bogor in a sentence, 用bogor造句和bogor的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。