- Berossos assigned to the period before Aloros.
- Ironically as we see, Syncellus believed that Manetho used the same starting point for history as Berossos did.
- The sum of these comes out to 1, 183?years, a coincidence with Berossos which Syncellus condemned as being forced.
- It has been suggested that he obtained this value from Berossos who reckoned time in intervals of 60, 600 and 3600 years.
- Book Two of Berossos's history began with the reign of Aloros and went down to the reign of Nabonassaros ( 747 734 BC ).
- Hence Syncellus'charge that " Manetho " copied Berossos for the year date in which mortals began to be kings in Babylonia and Egypt, respectively.
- Although Syncellus rejected both Manetho's and Berossos'incredible time-spans he did not dismiss the efforts Eusebius to harmonize their numbers with the Bible.
- If this is correct, Syncellus would have understood that the first mortal king in Manetho's list, Menes, began his reign in the same year as Aloros, the first mortal king in Berossos'list.
- This was unacceptable to all Christian commentators, but it was assumed by scholars who lived later than Eusebius that Berossos meant solar days . 432, 000 divided by 365 days gives a rough figure of 1, 183?years before the Flood.
- Cicero, reacting to the chronologies of such authors as Berossos ( who composed a Greek-language history of Babylonia, known as the Babyloniaca, during the 3rd century BC ) strongly criticised the claim that the Babylonians had kings going back hundreds of thousands of years:
- It's difficult to see berossos in a sentence. 用berossos造句挺难的
- Berossos described the period from the first human-king Aloros to the tenth king Xisouthros who survived the Flood as having lasted 120 " saroi " ( 3, 600 year periods ), giving an estimate of 432, 000 years from Aloros to the Flood in the days of Xisouthros.
- He apparently assumed that the number of years Berossos stated in Book One of his history, i . e . the years that had elapsed from creation down to the Aloros, the first of ten mortal kings who ruled for a combined total of 120 " saroi " ( 432, 000 years ) in the ante-diluvian period, was identical to the years Manetho gave to the mythic kings.