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  • Accessible public transportation was a major focus of ACCD in 1978.
  • From 1974 to mid-1976, ACCD was a volunteer organization.
  • The origins of ACCD are in local and state consumer-led groups.
  • In November 1976, ACCD had 21 organizational members.
  • In both transportation and independent living, the seeds ACCD planted were fertile.
  • Grant award in hand, board members launched a search for the first ACCD staff member.
  • The delegates passionately viewed ACCD as  our organization as opposed to professional associations that were run by persons without disabilities.
  • Probably, the effort was an indication of long-festering inequalities and of the sense that ACCD " belongs to people with disabilities ".
  • ACCD operated a coal gasification process demonstration unit ( PDU ), which was funded by DoE in the early 1970s, and conducted related research projects.
  • After its success with Section 504, ACCD mounted projects to train individuals with disabilities about their new rights and to educate officials on their new responsibilities.
  • It's difficult to see accd in a sentence. 用accd造句挺难的
  • Disability rights groups, especially the American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities ( ACCD ), understood the implications and advocated to keep them in place unchanged.
  • Chun enrolled at Sacramento Junior College, where a professor insisted that he apply to the Art Center College of Design ( ACCD ) in Pasadena, California.
  • She and Cliff Nielsen, another ACCD graduate, were married at the time they illustrated " Ruins " ( 1995 ); they have since divorced.
  • Martin; former San Antonio City Councilman Raul Prado; architect Louis Cruz; ACCD Trustees Jesse Gonzales and Donald McClure; former ACCD Chairman Robert " Tinker"
  • Martin; former San Antonio City Councilman Raul Prado; architect Louis Cruz; ACCD Trustees Jesse Gonzales and Donald McClure; former ACCD Chairman Robert " Tinker"
  • All of these leaders were among the founders of ACCD in 1974, when 150 activists convened in Washington, DC, during the annual meeting of the President s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped.
  • "' Pauline Stella Sanchez "'is a theoretical artist / visual essayist and Professor of Art, Film and Critical Studies at the Art Center College of Design, ( ACCD ).
  • John Yasinsky, general manager of ACCD in the late 1970s, became general manager of the Advanced Power Systems Divisions in the early 1980s and was named CEO of Westinghouse Electric Corporation in the early 1990s.
  • SAN ANTONIO _ Bexar County District Attorney Susan Reed announced indictments Wednesday against nine people, including a city councilman, a former city councilman and three men who have served on the Alamo Community College District ( ACCD ) board.
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