- B髇a believes, according to the account of " Catalogus abbatum nonantulorum " that they arrived in August 899.
- The genuineness of the " Vit?beatorum abbatum Formbacensium Berengeri et Wirntonis, O . S . B ., " generally ascribed to Gerhoh, is denied by Wattenbach.
- The existence of the " Vita " and references to Christina in the " Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani " still suggest some interest in instigating such a cult in the 13th and 14th centuries.
- The " Gesta Abbatum Trudonensium " tells of the installation of Baldrick II as Gislebert, Count of Looz, and, further, the son of Otto, Count of Looz, and Liutgard of Namur.
- He wrote a chronicle " Gesta Abbatum Trudonensium ", on the abbots of his abbey, beginning in 999; it is included in the " Paleographie musicale " and the " Monumenta Germaniae Historica ".
- Under abbot Wiricus ( abbot 1155-1180 ) the conventual buildings were modernised, a task which according to the " Gesta abbatum Trudosensium " ( the annals of Sint-Truiden ) lasted three-quarters of a century.
- The third continuator of the " Gesta Abbatum Trudonensium " names " Robertus comes vel dux Hasbanie ", who can be identified with the ancestor of Robert of Hesbaye, the direct ancestors of the Robertians and the House of Capet.
- According to the twelfth-century " Catalogus abbatum nonantulorum ", a list of abbots of Nonantola with their histories, Desiderius, who succeeded Aistulf as King of the Lombards in 756, banished Anselm from Nonantula in favor of his own prot間?
- His date of death is estimated on the basis that this entry in a manuscript " Catalogo Abbatum Gemblacensium " that indicates that Lambert had relinquished the advocacy of Gembloux in favour of his son, who must therefore already have been adult at the time.
- Bede makes it clear in both his Ecclesiastical History and his Historiam Abbatum that the masonry construction of churches, including his own at Jarrow, was undertaken morem Romanorum,'in the manner of the Romans,'in explicit contrast to existing traditions of timber construction.
- It's difficult to see abbatum in a sentence. 用abbatum造句挺难的
- According to Sigebert, the historian of Gembloux, in his " Gesta abbatum Gemblacensium " ( " Deeds of the Abbots of Gembloux " ), Heriward was a monk at Mont-Saint-Michel for many years before the good reputation of the brothers of Gembloux convinced him to join them.
- After his return to Gembloux he also wrote similar works for this abbey, namely a long poem on the martyrdom of the Theban Legion as Gembloux had relics of its reputed leader St . Exuperius ( d . 262 ) and a history of the early abbots of Gembloux to 1048 ( " Gesta abbatum Gemblacensium " ).
- After the second General Chapter of the Benedictines, held at Soissons in 1132, where many Cistercian reforms were adopted by the Benedictines, William submitted his " Responsio abbatum " ( " Response of the Abbots " ) to Cardinal Matthew & mdash; papal legate in the diocese and critic of the abbots'reforms & mdash; successfully defending their reformation efforts.
- Also noting that Hemming's part of the compilation does not appear to have been revised or updated to meet new circumstances, Patrick Geary describes it as " a commemorative, historical volume, not a working administrative tool " and associates the work with counterparts produced in the continental West, such as Folcuin's chronicle cartulary " Gesta abbatum S . Bertini Sithiensium ".
- Adrian, long surviving his friend the archbishop, is said to have lived for 39 years after he came to England, continuing till his death to preside over the monastery at Canterbury . ( Bede, " Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum " iv . 1, 2 .; and Vita Abbatum Wiramuth ., in Smith's Beda, p . 293 .; W . Malmes.
- In the light of the priory's legal foundation by St Paul's, the friendship between Christina and Geoffrey seems likely to go back to a fiction by Matthew Paris ( c . 1200 1259 ), who alleged in his chronicle that St Alban's Abbey had clerical competence over the nuns of Markyate . " It would almost seem that in the Gesta Abbatum the origins of Markyate and liturgical or historical sources.
- This is of course an exaggerated number, knowing that the Italian army composed maximum 15, 000 men, but shows that the losses were really high . " Catalogus abbatum nonantulorum " writes about thousands of Christian deaths, the " Chronicon " of Regino of Pr黰 writes about the uncountable masses of the people killed with arrows, or " Chronicon Sagornini " of John the Deacon points that " few of them [ the Italians ] turned back home ".