an observant boy 机警的男孩子。 be observant of the traffic rules 严格遵守交通规则。 be observant of one's duties 恪尽责守。 be observant to avoid danger 注意避免危险。 n. 〔古语〕遵守者,严守者;〔O-〕【天主教】(方济各会)严守教规的修道士。 adv. -ly
observance n. 1.(法律、义务、仪式等的)遵守 (of)。 2.仪式;(宗教)典礼;纪念,庆祝。 3.习惯,惯例。 4.〔古语〕恭顺。 5.教规,戒律。 6.〔罕用语〕注意,观察。 the observance of the emperor's birthday 皇帝祝寿大典。 the observance of the Sabbath 守安息日〔宗教信徒在主日停止工作,基督教徒为星期日,犹太教徒为星期六〕。 observance of national sovereignty 尊重国家主权。 observance of territorial integrity 尊重领土完整。
The observant reader will notice that the diagrams in figures 4 and 5 use italicized text for the bankaccount class name and withdrawal operation 细心的读者会注意到,在图4和图5中的图中,类名bankaccount和withdrawal操作使用斜体。
Police in the central city of hildesheim said they were alerted to the 91 - year - old man ' s predicament on saturday afternoon by an observant neighbor 德国希尔德斯海姆市中心的警方指出, 29日,养蜂人的邻居发现这名91岁的老汉被蜜蜂困住后向警方报案。
According to chinese astrology , people born in the year of the rooster have a sharp and observant mind and are consistently practical , resourceful and well organized 中国命理学家相信,鸡年出生的朋友思想敏锐、观察力强、务实伶巧,做事有条不紊。
In fact , some people have been very observant and have reported to the hkma suspicious websites or e - mails : this has been of great help to our monitoring of the situation 事实上,有些机警的市民,也主动向金管局举报可疑网站或电邮,这对我们的监察工作有很大的帮助。
Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green , an observant visitor would soon notice that it is filledwith what looks like a thick , grayish substance 尽管那只瓶子呈淡绿色,但细心的客人很快就会发现瓶里装的是一种看上去黏稠,颜色发灰的东西。
And when the reason for legal rescission is either act of god or default , the party who has the right to discharge a contract is the observant party 约定解除自不待言,在法定解除情形,合同解除原因或为不可抗力或为其中任何一方违约,如此,享有解除权者实为守约一方。
Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green , an observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what looks like a thick , greyish substance 尽管瓶子呈现嫩绿色,但观察力敏锐的客人不久会注意到,瓶子里装的看上去像是浓厚的灰色物质。
This autumn , israel begins the one year in seven when jewish farmers are meant to let their land lie fallow ; observant jews will not eat food from jewish farmers who break the ban 今秋在犹太农夫准备让他们的土地荒芜时,以色列将开始七年计划中一年,严守戒律的犹太人也将不会食用破坏戒条犹太农夫生产的食物。
Having said all this , it is also important to be observant . in social interactions , don ' t just adhere to general rules . watch how people behave and act accordingly 虽然说了这么多,但还有一点很重要,那就是要善于观察。在社会交往中,不要只是抱着一般性原则不放。要观察人们都具有怎样的行为和举止并进行模仿。
Observant photographers have noticed that not all lenses are created equal : large aperture lenses show strong out - of - focus effects while small - aperture lenses lead simply to a softening of the image 细心的摄影者会发现不是所有的镜头都是一样的:大光圈的镜头呈现强烈的失焦效果,而小光圈的镜头只是稍微的让图像柔化一些。
(of individuals) adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs; "law-abiding citizens"; "observant of the speed limit" 同义词:law-abiding,
quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception 同义词:observing,
observantとは意味:observant adj. 注意深い, 観察している; 遵守する. 【副詞】 ◆be keenly observant of nature 自然を鋭敏に観察している a keenly observant glance 鋭い観察の視線. 【+前置詞】 ◆He is observant of the rules. 規則をよく守る It was very observant of you to n...