n. 1.(法律、义务、仪式等的)遵守 (of)。 2.仪式;(宗教)典礼;纪念,庆祝。 3.习惯,惯例。 4.〔古语〕恭顺。 5.教规,戒律。 6.〔罕用语〕注意,观察。
the observance of the emperor's birthday 皇帝祝寿大典。 the observance of the Sabbath 守安息日〔宗教信徒在主日停止工作,基督教徒为星期日,犹太教徒为星期六〕。 observance of national sovereignty 尊重国家主权。 observance of territorial integrity 尊重领土完整。
observant adj. 1.注意,留心;盯着,看牢 (of)。 2.观察力敏锐的,机警的。 3.严格遵守…的 (of)。 an observant boy 机警的男孩子。 be observant of the traffic rules 严格遵守交通规则。 be observant of one's duties 恪尽责守。 be observant to avoid danger 注意避免危险。 n. 〔古语〕遵守者,严守者;〔O-〕【天主教】(方济各会)严守教规的修道士。 adv. -ly
Selden had passed beyond all such conventional observances . 赛尔登现已挣脱了一切传统的束缚。
Winsett himself had a savage abhorrence of social observances . 温塞特自己对社会上的清规戒律深恶痛绝。
This neglect of religious observances was repugnant to her early traditions . 忽视宗教仪式是违反她童年时期的教养的。
You would have no habits of early obedience and long observance to break through . 你没有早年服从和长期听话的习惯要加以打破啊。
In such a case, strict observance of the provisions and rules is necessary in dealing with documentary credits . 在这种情况下,我们在受理跟单信用证时,有必要严格地遵守这些条款和规则。
Fifteen years ago, when ruth and nim were married, ruth made clear she didn 't care one way or the other about jewish observances . 十五年前露丝和尼姆结婚时,露丝表示过她对犹太教规是无所谓的。
April fool ' s day is a “ for - fun - only ” observance 愚人节仅仅是个取乐的日子。
April fool ' s day is a " for - fun - only " observance 愚人节是一个“享乐”的节日。
" legalism : meticulous observance of the law . "守规派:谨小慎微地奉行律法
Observance : 1 don ' t shake hands with your lift hand 风俗习惯: 1不要用你的左手握手!
observanceとは意味:observance n. (規則 習慣 儀式などを)守ること; 儀式, 式典; 慣例. 【動詞+】 ◆abolish the observance of the Sabbath 安息日(の掟)を守ることをやめる ◆compel observance of the rules 規則を守ることを強いる ◆strictly enforce observance of the laws 法の遵守を厳重に...