

  • vt.



  • 例句与用法
  • In accordance with the actual situation of the frame of the inner corporate supervisory institutions of china and the comparison between chinese , german and japanese corporations in their institutions and degrees of function , this paper brings forward the third path of reform rather than a direct copy from german or japanese corporations - to further the reform of board of supervisors and independent board of supervisors while remaining a juxtaposed dualistic system , and try to combine them perfectly
  • Singapore is definitely able to become the switzerland of asia , but it has to learn from countries like switzerland , denmark and israel . it must implement a far - sighted policy in science and technology where the emphasis for short - term commercial gains is juxtaposed with a long - term commitment towards basic sciences and culture
  • Its goal is to develop basic building blocks and services to enable innovative applications for peer groups . the term “ jxta ” is short for juxtapose , as in side by side . it is a recognition that p2p is juxtaposed to client / server or web - based computing , which is today ’ s traditional distributed computing model
    其主要目的是建立一整套的泛型p2p基础协议,针对c / s模型存在得问题,在整合现有p2p应用的基础上开发了标准化p2p服务,提供一套实现p2p网络构建和应用开发的基础平台。
  • Within the limited spaces they took up , their builders applied ingeniously various skills and means , such as contrast , mil , size alteration , structural gradation , juxtapose , scene - bonowing , representing rich contents in a small form and making the less excel the more , and combined halls , towers , pavilions and terraces with springs , rockeries , trees and flowers in imitation of natural landscapes , creatlng an ideal worldwith " urban mounts and forests " and " natural beauty amid the bustle of city life . " thereby , these gardens integrate harmoniously natural , architectural and cultural beauty , furnish people with comfortable living envlronments , represent a historical height in garden construction , and maintain irreplaceably a prominent position in the developmental history of chinese and even wor1d gardening
    这四座园林占地面积不广,但巧妙地运用了对比衬托尺度层次对景借景和小中见大以少胜多等种种造园艺术技巧和手法,将亭台楼阁泉石花木组合在一起,模拟自然风光,创造了“城市山林” “居闹市而近自然”的理想空间。在美化居住环境,融建筑美自然美人文美为一体等方面达到了历史的高度,在中国乃至世界园林艺术发展史上具有不可替代的地位。
  • According to the structural model , positiveness of consumer prior expectations of the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation and perceived persuasiveness of evidences communicated by the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation are found to be exogenous constructs that generate juxtaposing effects , mediated by the three causal dimensions of the sponsoring brand ' s sponsorship behavior in the first order and dispositional of sponsor motivations in the second order , on perceived sponsor sincerity which is designated as the terminal endogenous construct of the model
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  • 英文解释
  • place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"

  • 其他语种释义
  • juxtaposeとは意味:juxtapose v. 並べる, 並列する. 【+前置詞】 ◆be juxtaposed to each other 互いに近接して並べられている ◆When we juxtapose his statement with hers, we notice an important difference in their accounts of the event. 彼と彼女が言うことを並べてみる...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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