

音标:[ yǒujiù ]   发音:
  • can be saved; can be cured



  • 例句与用法
  • " a power . . . a power outage ? aha , okay , we ' ve got it licked now . do you still have the boxes and manuals and packing stuff your computer came in ?
  • “ a power … … a power outage ? aha , okay , we ' ve got it licked now 。 do you still have the boxes and manuals and packing stuff your computer came in ?
  • A woman in daidiong ( taichung ) became unconscious and her heartbeat dropped rapidly after taking medicine with grapefruit juice but was fortune to be saved by emergency crew
  • We must prevent beforehand , supervise in course and relieve afterwards ; depend on both self - disciplining and being disciplined by others ; depend on both educating and punishing
  • The first steps will be just like a regular installation , but the installer will not start the partitioner . instead it will offer you a menu of rescue options
  • A signpost points the way to lo so shing beach , a relatively secluded swimming beach which still has a summer lifeguard service . in the opposite direction , the path leads to sok kwu wan
  • Stop until the rescue team comes keep on giving out the signals even if the rescue team has discovered you from a far distance so that the rescuers can identify your exact position
    有救援人员到达为止。 (即使已被救援人员从远处发现,也要继续发出讯号,使救援人员知道求救者之正确位置。
  • The writer thinks that the old saying " there is right , there is relief " is still practical and the law shall not only declare the right but also dispose the appropriate relief system
  • Keep off the roadway if you see or hear the approach of ambulances , fire engines , police or other emergency vehicles with their lights flashing or their two - tone horns or sirens sounding
  • The rich mans son rejoiced to hear this and thought , ive found the cure for my fathers illness ! he then quickly slipped into the cave , hoping to find the person and take his clothes from him
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 有救的法语:pouvoir guérir;être curable
  • 有救的日语:(有救儿)助かる.助けることができる. 遇上这位名医,你的病就有救了/この名医に巡り会えばあなたの病気は助かるよ.
  • 有救的韩语:[동사] 치료될[구제될] 가능성이 있다. 好了, 这病有救了; 좋습니다, 이 병은 치료될 수 있습니다
  • 有救的俄语:pinyin:yǒujiù иметь шансы на улучшение (облегчение); излечимый (о болезни); поправимый (о деле)
  • 有救什么意思:yǒu jiù 有可能挽救或补救:有了这药,病就~了! ◆ 有救 yǒu jiù 有可能挽救或补救:有了这药,病就~了!
  • 推荐英语阅读
有救的英文翻译,有救英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译有救,有救的英文意思,有救的英文有救 meaning in English有救的英文有救怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
