- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 酒刺 whelk
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 刺的 arrow headed; spinous
- 有酒意 tipsy
- 含有酒精的 alcoholic
- 含有酒石的 tartaric
- 有酒精的 spirituous
- 有酒窝的 dimply
- 有钱有酒 a golden key opens every door
- 被刺的 that has been stabbed or has had its throat cut
- 长刺的 long thorned; longthorned
- 多刺的 aculeate; bony; burry; echinate; multispinous; prickly; thorny
- 讽刺的 epigrammatical; insinuative; ironical; sarcasm(sarcastic); satirical; sharp-fanged
- 讥刺的 gibing; nipping
- 尖刺的 of spikes
- 具刺的 acanaceous; acanthophorous; acculeate; armed; echinate; echinatus; erinaceous; jaculiferous; spiniferous; spiny
- 如刺的 biting
- 无刺的 anacanthous; inermous; spineless; stingless; unarmed
- 有刺的 aciculate; aculeate; aristate; armatus; barbed; brambly; bristlier; bristliest; echinate; spiky; spinose; thistly; thorny
- 针刺的 needled
- 直刺的 upright ined; upright spined
- 螫刺的 stinging; urticating
- 持有酒牌条件 liquor licensing conditions
- 有酒味的;像酒的 winy