

  • adj.




  • 例句与用法
  • The classification of the textile printing materials and the 3 tendencies of the development of the materials for garments in china ( cut pieces ) are described : the bright and dazzling materials , the kaleidoscopic and iridescent ones , health - caring functional ones for practical uses
  • Special security features have been incorporated into the new definitive stamps . they include the use of a new type of stamp paper with multiple security fibres and an elliptical perforation in the middle of each vertical of the stamp . for high value stamps , iridescent ink is printed in the middle to give a shiny effect when viewing the stamp at different angles
  • Mica pearlescent pigments comprising mica particles coated with thin transparent film consisting of highly refractive metal oxides , when the light rays incident into pigment particle , a portion of light is reflected from the exterior of the film and interfere with the other portion of light transmitted through the film to the extremely smooth surface of mica plate where it is reflected again . two portion of light suffers a phase change , viewed by reflected light it exhibit pearly or iridescent optical effects , which depending upon the particle size and the thickness of coatings
    云母珠光颜料是通过在云母粉表而镀覆一层高折射率的金属氧化物透明薄膜,如tio _ 2 、 fe _ 2o _ 3等,光线入射后,部分光线被膜层表面反射,其余光线穿过膜层照到云母片再被反射,两组反射光线因光程差发生干涉,形成具有彩虹一样的珍珠光泽,被广泛应用于涂料、油墨、塑料、制革、化妆品等行业,能明显改善产品外观,提高产品档次。
  • The first two denominations ( $ 100 and $ 500 ) had been put into circulation in december 2003 . additional security features have been incorporated in the new series . these include denomination numerals in optical variable ink , a fluorescent machine readable barcode , a four - millimetre - wide windowed thread and iridescent images
    首两种面额( 100元及500元)已于2003年12月推出。新系列钞票加入新的防伪特徵,包括变色反光油墨银码、机读萤光条码、 4毫米宽开窗式保安线及反光图案。
  • And there rises a shining palace whose crystal glittering roof is seen by mariners who traverse the extensive sea in barks built expressly for that purpose and thither come all herds and fatlings and first fruits of that land for o connell fitzsimon takes toll of them , a chieftain descended from chieftains . thither the extremely large wains bring foison of the fields , flaskets of cauliflowers , floats of spinach , pineapple chunks , rangoon beans , strikes of tomatoes , drums of figs , drills of swedes , spherical potatoes and tallies of iridescent kale , york and savoy , and trays of onions , pearls of the earth , and punnets of mushrooms and custard marrows and fat vetches and bere and rape and red green yellow brown russet sweet big bitter ripe pomellated apples and chips of strawberries and sieves of gooseberries , pulpy and pelurious , and strawberries fit for princes and raspberries from their canes
    用一辆辆巨大的敞篷马车载来的是田里丰饶的收获:装在浅筐中的花椰菜成车的菠菜,大块头的菠萝,仰光豆23 ,多少斯揣克24西红柿,盛在一只只圆桶里的无花果,条播的瑞典芜菁,球形土豆,好几捆约克种以及萨沃伊种彩虹色羽衣甘兰,还有盛在一只只浅箱里的大地之珍珠25 -葱头此外就是一扁篮一扁篮的蘑菇乳黄色食用葫芦饱满的大巢莱大麦和苔苔,红绿黄褐朽叶色的又甜又大又苦又熟又有斑点的苹果,装在一只只薄木匣里的杨梅,一粗筐一粗筐的醋栗。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • having a play of lustrous rainbow colors; "an iridescent oil slick"; "nacreous (or pearlescent) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl"; "a milky opalescent (or opaline) luster"
    同义词:nacreous, opalescent, opaline, pearlescent,

  • varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles; "changeable taffeta"; "chatoyant (or shot) silk"; "a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent"
    同义词:changeable, chatoyant, shot,

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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