The opening of the iris is called the pupil . 虹膜的开口处叫做瞳孔。
The iris is fixed to the ciliary body . 虹膜固定在睫状体上。
The structure of the iris will also modify the shade . 虹膜的结构也能影响眼睛的深浅。
Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens . 紧靠着虹膜后面的是水晶体(眼球)。
All the iris have popped open, and the smell is sheer heaven . 所有的蝴蝶花全盛开了,那股香味简直妙不可言。
Far out in the water there were water-lilies; nearer at hand, yellow irises in bloom . 远处水面有睡莲,近处开着黄色的鸢尾花。
And that bitch iris has taken the last cigarette that i was keeping for myself . 那贱货艾瑞斯把我留着自己抽的最后一根香烟抽掉了。
In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irises filled the air with fragrance . 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。
Iris : yeah , we just had those taken yesterday 爱丽丝:是呀,我们昨天才去拍的。
Iris : i ' ll leave no stone unturned until it turns up 我会想尽办法把它翻出来。