

  • nickel-cadmium cell



  • 例句与用法
  • About three - fourths of cadmium is used in ni - cd batteries , most of the remaining one - fourth is used mainly for pigments , coatings and plating , and as stabilizers for plastics
    大约有3 / 4的镉被用于生产镍镉电池,余下的1 / 4中的镉,大多数被用于颜料、涂料、电镀,以及塑料合成材料。
  • Exposure to cadmium , most often found as nickel - cadmium in rechargeable batteries , has been linked with kidney and liver diseases . eu battery laws have been under review since 1997
  • The unified identifiers of various batteries , for example , the hazardous waste and the reproducible battery should be declared by the batteries collecting according to their species
    宣传用以识别危险废物(废含汞电池、废镍镉电池和废铅酸电池) 、可再生电池等各类电池的标识,保证各类废电池的分类收集能够顺利开展。
  • Lithium - ion battery ( lib ) is the third generation of the small and high specific energy batteries after ni - cdand ni ( h ) batteries . it is environment - protective and represents the most advanced level of battery techniques
  • Our main brands : neware for ni - mh , lithium , lithium , ni - cd , promotional materials , testing instruments , grading systems , formation systems , battery inner resistance tester , and newell for batteries and chargers oem business will also be welcome
    产品种类:镍氢电池,锂离子电池,锂聚合物电池,镍镉电池,高精度电池检测设备(大电流,小电流) ,测试系统,分容系统,化成系统,内阻仪,以及提供为电池,充电器原始制造商提供相应服务。
  • This lamp is the sources of energy with monocrystalline silicon solar energy cell or polycrystalline silicon solar energy cell ; the storage battery is nickel hydrogen battery or nickel cadmium battery ; that lamp holder and the lamp pole adopts casts aluminium or the stainless steel material manufacturing ; the lampcover adopts the toughened glass manufacturing , and the light source is the light source with high brightness led ' s light emitting diode ; the colour can be divided into the white and yellow , redness , orange , green and blue and seven colours become light
  • At compared with ni - cd battery is better owing to high specific cap - acity , no memory effect , and no cadmium pollutio - n . while it is used on electric vehicle , the complete weight of the vehicle can be reduced , the perform - ance of application is good and servicing life is long . it is an ideal power source for electric vehile
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 百科解释
镍镉电池(Nickel-cadmium battery,通常简称NiCd,读作"nye-cad")是一种流行的蓄电池。这种电池以氢氧化镍(NiOH)及金属镉(Cd)作为产生电能的化学品。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 镍镉电池的法语:pile à (ni-cd, nickel-cadmium)
  • 镍镉电池的日语:ニッヶルカドミウムでんち ニッヶルカドミウム電池
  • 镍镉电池的韩语:니켈-카드뮴 전지
  • 镍镉电池的俄语:Никель-кадмиевый аккумулятор
  • 镍镉电池什么意思


    拼音:niè gé diàn chí
    注音:ㄋㄧㄝ ˋ ㄍㄜˊ ㄉㄧㄢˋ ㄔㄧˊ


  • 推荐英语阅读
镍镉电池的英文翻译,镍镉电池英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译镍镉电池,镍镉电池的英文意思,鎳鎘電池的英文镍镉电池 meaning in English鎳鎘電池的英文镍镉电池怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
