进出口贸易总额 total value of import and export; total value of imports and exports; total volume of import and export trade; total volume of imports and exports; totalvolumeofimportandexporttrade
贸易总公司 cogis; compagnie generale lntercambi; general trading co; generale interscambi compagni; generale interscambi, compagni
He says the nations of the pacific rim , a region which acounts ( for ) nearly half of all international trade have the clout to move the stalled world trade talks forward 他说,太平洋周边国家地区的国际贸易额占了世界贸易总额的一半之多,完全有这个力量向前推动停滞不前的世界贸易会谈。
Two - way trade between the eu and china expanded by over 20 % last year to a total value of euro254 billion ( $ 319 billion ) , and the trade balance has swung sharply in china ' s favour 去年,欧中双边贸易增长了百分之二十多,贸易总额达到了2540亿欧元( 3190亿美元) ,而贸易顺差却完全在中国这方。
In 1999 , china obtained us 270 . 97 billion in trade volume with 20 apec members , 75 . 1 percent of the country s total and an increase of 11 . 1 percent over the previous year 亚太地区是我国对外经济贸易的重要依托。 1999年我国与apec其他21个成员的贸易额达2709 . 7亿美元,占我国当年贸易总额的75 . 1 。
Foreign trade advantage : adjoining the developed country of east asia weihai has a rapid increase in imports and exports . total trade volume of imports and exports is up to 55 . 95 million dollars in the first half of the 2005 外贸优势:借助毗领东亚发达国家的优势,威海外贸进出口增长迅速, 2005上半年进出口贸易总额55 . 95亿美元,增长38 . 8 % 。
Since 1997 , annual trade flows have averaged hk $ 2 , 974 billion , about 3 % lower than 1997 total trade of hk $ 3 , 071 billion . the year - on - year value of total trade dropped in 1998 and 1999 before rebounding sharply in 2000 and dropping again in 2001 由一九九七年起,贸易流量平均每年为29 , 740亿港元,较一九九七年30 , 710亿港元贸易总额下跌约3 % 。
I cautioned that i think - - and this is relevant in the doha negotiation - - the issue where china is going to have its hardest time on this may not be with the united states and other developed countries , but with other developing countries 他指出,钢铁出口在中国对美国的贸易总额中仅占一小部份。 “当贸易额达到1 , 040亿美元时,这将是微不足道的,显然只占0
The results indicate that there is an interactive and causal relationship between trade and economic growth and that increase in trade demands the support of a larger gdp and strong measures to develop export - oriented economy 结果显示:贵州省进出口贸易与经济增长之间存在着互动因果关系;贵州省的进出口贸易总额的增长,需要有更大的gdp总额的支撑和发展外向型经济的有力措施。