

  • total trade volume
  • total volume of trade



  • 例句与用法
  • Twenty years ago , china had less than 1 per cent of world trade
    20年前,中国的国际贸易总额不到世界贸易总量的1 % 。
  • The trade volume of the member country / region has been up to more than 90 % of world trade total
    世贸组织成员国地区的贸易量超过世界贸易总量的90 。
  • The total volume of import and export trade between jilin province and these five northeast asian countries constitutes 50 % of the total import and export trade volume of jilin province in 2004
    2004年吉林省与东北亚区域内的朝、韩、日、俄、蒙5国的进出口贸易总量,已占全省进出口贸易额的50 % 。
  • Depending on how you measure size and guess at future growth rates , it may overtake both germany and japan within 15 years to become the world ' s second - biggest economy
  • China ' s share of us imports is 12 . 3 % and if there is any reduction of this percentage ? which is doubtful ? it will through imports from china being shifted to another asian export
    中国占美国进口贸易总量的12 . 3 % ,即使这个比例有所下降这个假设的可信度令人怀疑它也仅仅是从中国转到另一个亚洲出口国。
  • It is no coincidence , ? the minister added , that africa , whose share of international trade fell from five per cent to two per cent between 1990 and 2000 , now has the highest poverty levels in the world
    “这不是巧合, ”这位大臣补充说到, “在1990年到2000年的十年中,非洲在世界贸易总量中的比重由5下降为2 ,现在非洲是世界上贫困问题最为突出的地区。
  • " it is no coincidence , ? the minister added , " that africa , whose share of international trade fell from five per cent to two per cent between 1990 and 2000 , now has the highest poverty levels in the world
    “这不是巧合, ”这位大臣补充说到, “在1990年到2000年的十年中,非洲在世界贸易总量中的比重由5下降为2 ,现在非洲是世界上贫困问题最为突出的地区。
  • The main conclusions of this paper are : 1 ) fdi enhances the growth of china ' s volume of foreign and the improvement of china ' s foreign trade structure . until 2002 , its contribution to china ' s net export is still lower than the contribution of domestic enterprises , however
    本文的基本结论如下: 1 、 fdi促进了中国贸易总量的增长和贸易结构的改善,但截止到2002年底, fdi对中国净出口的贡献仍低于国内企业。
  • In view of the considerable adjustment of fdi inflow after china ' s entry into wto , the paper points out that income terms of trade and foreign exchange reserves will increase considerably in short run with the adjustment of fdi after the entry into wto , and effect of total trade volume and product competitiveness of fdi will increase but to small extent , and factor and price terms of trade will not improve , even with the possibility to deteriorate
    中国入世后, fdi流入会有较显著的结构调整,流入总量会增加,但增长规模较小。预计短期内收入外贸条件和外汇储备会有相当程度的增大;外资的贸易总量效应、产品竞争力效应会有所增加,但变化幅度不大;双要素外贸条件和价格外贸条件不会改善,甚至可能继续恶化。
  • Basing on the theoretical analysis , this paper mainly does the empirical analysis on the influence of fdi on the volume of foreign trade , foreign trade structure and competitive ability of export product in china , and analyzes the investment behavior of the foreign - funded enterprise ( ffe ) . in addition to the macro analysis , this paper analyzes the relation of fdi and trade in automobile industry and electronic industry
  • 推荐英语阅读
贸易总量的英文翻译,贸易总量英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译贸易总量,贸易总量的英文意思,貿易總量的英文贸易总量 meaning in English貿易總量的英文贸易总量怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
