统计表 list of tables; numerical statement; return; statistical chart; statistical form; statistical table; statistical test; statistics; sum of squares; tables
综合统计表 comprehensive table statistics; general tables
According to statistics . research , most death in earthquake is not caused by shake or collision , but by delayed aid with the limit of practical factors 根据有关专家调查统计表明,大部分人在地震发生时没有直接被震死或压死,而是因客观条件限制不能得到及时有效的救助导致死亡的。
Africa was not alone in the global drought . thompson said other records show that civilizations during this period collapsed in india , the middle east and south america 在全世界,并不只有非洲遭受了这样的一种干旱枯竭。汤普逊说统计表明,同期的文明在印度、中东和南美洲地区都出现了衰退现象。
Occupy the statistic by 2002 to make clear , countrywide city is gotten low the number that keeps gold already rose to 19 . 64 million person , came true basically to should defend the target that defend 据2002年底的统计表明,全国城市领取低保金的人数已上升到1964万人,基本实现了应保尽保的目标。
The cost of this disease is great - statistics show asthma to be the third - ranking cause of hospitalization among children under 15 and is among the leading causes of school absenteeism 哮喘导致的损失是极大的,统计表明哮喘是致使15岁以下儿童住院的第三大疾病,同是也是导致儿童缺课的首要疾患。
Nearly 70 percent of all available freshwater is used for agriculture . use of water for irrigation has increased globally by more than 60 percent since 1960 , according to united nation statistics 农业用水占所有可用淡水资源的近70 % 。联合国统计表明,自1960年以来,全世界用于灌溉的水量增长了60 %以上。
Statistics reveal that students studying abroad from peking university , tsinghua university and fudan university , the top three in chinese mainland , accounts for 20 % to 30 % of the total graduates annually 有统计表明,大陆的三大名校,北京大学、清华大学和复旦大学,每年出国留学的毕业生占到总数的20到30 。
The complexity of runtime is the least in the worst instance . other algorithm , for example jarvis method , get better result in some instance , but runtime complexity is o ( n2 ) in the worst instance 根据统计表明,在一般的情况下点集的点并不都是凸包的顶点,这时候,传统的经典算法的复杂度也是o ( nlogn ) 。
The annual statistics gathered by the institute for international education show that during the 2003 - 2004 academic year , there were 61 , 765 chinese students at institutions of higher education in the united states 的年度统计表明,在2003 - 2004学年,美国高等院校的中国学生人数为61765人,占在美国的外国学生人数的将近11 % 。
Two dry winters have left levels of ground water , essential to keep rivers flowing , dangerously low . although rain and snow fell across much of britain this weekend , only one of the last 16 months had average rainfall 虽然上周末英国大部分地区都普降雨雪,但统计表明,在过去的16个月中,只有一个月的降水达到了往年的平均降水量。
The conclusion can be made that there were rich source of wild animals and there were frequent hunting activities in the three gorges district on the base of summit of excavated wild animals ’ bones 其次,本文考察了三峡地区先秦狩猎经济的概况。出土野生动物残骸的汇总统计表明:三峡地区先秦时期的野生动物资源丰富、狩猎生产活动频繁。