- 频数 many times
- 统计表 statistical chart; statistic ...
- 统计表 list of tables; numerical statement; return; statistical chart; statistical form; statistical table; statistical test; statistics; sum of squares; tables
- 字数统计字数统计 fix broken textword count
- 变数统计 statistics of variables
- 参数统计 parameter statistics; parametric statistics
- 参数统计学 parametric statistics
- 读数统计 count
- 非参数统计 distribution free statistics; non parametric statistics; nonparametic statistics; nonparametric statistics; parameter free statistics; parameter-free statistics; parametric statistics
- 计数统计 counting statistics
- 无参数统计 nonparametric statistics
- 无母数统计 non-parametric statistics
- 种数统计法 foram number
- 字数统计 fix broken textword count; word count
- 编造统计表 statistical tabulation
- 编制统计表 statistical tabulation
- 成绩统计表 summary
- 基本统计表 basic tables
- 交通统计表 traffic list; traffic returns
- 进口统计表 import list
- 库存统计表 inventory statistics
- 年度统计表 annual returns
- 群组统计表 cohort tables
- 人口统计表 census returns
- 人命统计表 life table