Theoretical study on the potential energy surface of the reaction from 2h - azaphosphirene complex to 2h - 1 , 2 - azaphosphole complex 氮磷杂茂络合物反应机理的理论研究
Spectrophotometric determination of trace cyanogen in soil by copper - chromazurine s - chloro - hexadecyl pyridine complex 氯代十六烷基吡啶络合物分光光度法测定土壤中微量氰
Reactions in liquid hf are known that illustrate also amphoteric behavior , solvolysis , or complex formation 已知在液态hf中,也能说明两性行为溶剂分解或络合物形成作用的反应。
Mol l . the composition of the complex was detected as in : lmg 1 : 2 . the conditional stability constant was determined as Mol l ,测得电活性络合物的组成为铟荧光镓12 ,条件形成常数
It is supposed that benzene does not form similar exciplexes , but only leads to deactivation of mn ( facac ) 曾假定,苯并不形成类似的激发络合物,但是只能导致mn ( facac )的失活。
Research on the adsorption quantity of measuring collector on coa surface with dyestuff - flotation agent complex forming method 浮选剂络合物形成法测定捕收剂在煤表面吸附量的研究
Ft - ir , luminescence and esr spectra of the samples have been measured . the possible mechanism is discussed 测定了基质及络合物的红外荧光光谱和部分顺磁谱,讨论了可能的发光机理。
The colour reaction of micellar mixed ligand complex of tin - sulfosalicylic acid - bromopyrogallol red - cetyltrimethylammonium bromide 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵胶束混配络合物的显色反应
Sodium hydroxyde for industrial use . determination of silica content . reduced silicomolybdic complex photometric method 工业用氢氧化钠.二氧化硅含量的测定.还原钼酸络合物分光光度法
A study of the charge - transfer complex between styrene and diethyl 2 , 3 - dicyano - 2 , 3 - di p , m - dimethoxylphenyl succinate or acrylonitrile 丁二酸二乙酯或丙烯腈形成的电荷转移络合物的研究