

  • ammine complexes
  • ammoniacal complex compound



  • 例句与用法
  • Meanwhile , the kinetics law of nickel electrodeposition was investigated by means of steady - state polarization curves
  • Compared with the traditional nickel electrodeposition techniques , nickel electrodeposition carried out in leaching solution containing ammonia and chloride has great priorities and characteristics
  • In the fourth chapter of this thesis , the initial stages of electrocrystallization of nickel on vitreous carbon from a leaching solution containing ammonia and chloride were illustrated in terms of cyclic voltammetric and chronoamperometric techniques
  • The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of nickel electrodeposition indicates that nickel electrodeposition occurs in two steps , the medium frequency inductive loop is ascribed to the relaxation of the electrode coverage by an adsorbed intermediate such as niohads , the low frequency capacitive loop may be due to the inhibition of nickel electrodeposition by adsorbed hydrogen . the mechanism and equivalent circuit of nickel electrodeposition were proposed on the basis of the analysis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
    不锈钢电极上电积镍的电化学阻抗行为表明氨络合物体系镍电沉积过程是二次放电过程,中频感抗弧是由于中间吸附产物nioh _ ( ads )的弛豫现象引起,低频容抗弧可能是由于吸附氢原子对镍结晶的阻滞作用引起,依据实验结果提出了氨络合物体系镍电沉积的反应机理和等效电路模型。
  • Based on the nickel electrodeposition process , the nickel electrodeposition mechanism , the electrochemical nucleation of nickel on vitreous carbon , the redox process of black nickel formed on anode , the nitrogen evolution on anode and electrocatalytic activity for nitrogen evolution of ti based iro2 anodes were investigated systematically
    本文在前期工艺研究的基础上着重对氨络合物体系电积金属镍的反应机理、镍在玻璃碳上的电化学成核机理、阳极黑镍的形成机理、阳极析氮过程及ti基iro _ 2涂层阳极对析氮的电催化活性进行了系统研究。
  • In the third chapter of this thesis , the nickel electrodeposition process in leaching solution containing ammonia and chloride was summarized , and the electrochemical behaviour of nickel electrodeposition in ammonia complex bath was investigated by measuring polarization curves . the effects of total nickel , ammonia , ammonium chloride concentrations in the electrolyte as well as its anion species and temperature were studied systematically
  • 其他语种释义
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