Facing the competing pressure from domestic and international , how hotel enterprises utilize resources inside more effectively while adapting to the constantly changeable external environment , and form their own competition advantages from the numerous and disorderly competition , which is the important problem that the enterprise administrators must face 面对国内和国际两方面的竞争压力,酒店企业如何在适应外部环境变化的同时,更有效地利用企业内部资源,在纷乱的竞争中脱颖而出、形成自己的竞争优势,是摆在企业管理者面前的重要问题。
The most advantage of network education is the network education resources is on - limits and can be shared , so how can make the students find the knowledge they need in the huge and unorderly resources is the primary task to network education . the resolvent is to design the query tools of information using in the network education 网络教育的最大优势是基于开放、共享的教育资源,因此如何让学生在海量且纷乱的教育资源中查询到自己所需要的资料是现在网络教育发展的主要任务,而开发出一种运用于网络教育领域的信息查询工具是解决这一问题的核心。
Said i , twas a terrible storm : a storm , you fool you , replies he , do you call that a storm , why it was nothing at all ; give us but a good ship and sea room , and we think nothing of such a squal of wind as that ; but you re but a fresh water sailor , bob ; come let us make a bowl of punch and we ll forget all that , d ye see what charming weather tis now 简单一句话,我们因循一般水手的生活方式,调制了甜酒,我被灌得酩酊大醉。那天晚上,我尽情喝酒胡闹,把对自己过去行为的忏悔与反省,以及对未来下的决心,统统丢到九霄云外去了。简而言之,风暴一过,大海又平静如镜,我头脑里纷乱的思绪也随之一扫而光,怕被大海吞没的恐惧也消失殆尽,我热衷航海的愿望又重新涌上心头。