总规划 aggregate planning; general programming; master plan
The goal of this command is love , which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith 5但命令的总归就是爱这爱是从清洁的心、和无亏的良心、无伪的信心、生出来的。
But she said : " go and study to get knowledge at school . children eventually must return to their parents . there you have your own home 姥姥说去上学长本事吧,孩子总归要回到父母身边,你父母那里才是你真正的家。
It s certain , thought he , though rascal as he is , he is a polite one ! the sails and the english flag were hoisted at ten minutes past three “毫无疑问, ”他心里说, “这是一个很有礼貌的流氓,但是,不管怎样,他总归是个流氓。 ”
A best - seller will earn anywhere between fifty and a hundred thousand dollars - sometimes more and sometimes less ; but , as a rule , pretty close to those figures . 一本畅销书总能赚到五至十万块有时多一点有时少一点总归不离这个数目。 ”
Farming is inherently bad for the environment : since humans took it up around 11 , 000 years ago , the result has been deforestation on a massive scale 从本质上看,农业对环境总归是有害的? ?自从约11000年前人类开始从事农业以来,已经有大面积的森林遭到砍伐。
It is a fine thing , reader , to be lifted in a moment from indigence to wealth - a very fine thing ; but not a matter one can comprehend or consequently enjoy , all at once 读者呀,刹那之间从贫困升迁到富裕,总归是件好事好是很好,但不是一下子就能理解,或者因此就能欣赏的。
They often analyse the social interaction between the parties that led to the dispute and later chide both parties for their roles in the dispute . the idea is that disputes are the result of both parties behaving incorrectly 他们时常分析当事人彼此的言行何以导致冲突,然后责备两造各有不是之处,理由是凡有事端发生,总归是双方行为偏差。
For example , i will not be playing hide and seek game , because every time i thought of you the enemy , i might not be you ; but i also wanted to play hide and seek game , as the end of the day , after all i find is you 比如,以后我不能玩捉迷藏游戏,因为每次我都想到你藏起来了,我可能找不到你;但我又会很想要玩捉迷藏游戏,因为到最后,我总归是找得到你的。
We should weigh the advantages and disadvantages , do our accounting and be determined to use foreign capital even if we suffer some losses . in any case , foreign - funded enterprises create new productive capacities in china and help some of our enterprises to expand 我们要下这么个决心,权衡利弊、算清帐,略微吃点亏也干,总归是在中国形成了生产能力,还会带动我们一些企业。
We proclaim christ to be our peace eph 2 : 14 and our hope cf . col 1 : 27 , and we are convinced by our faith and our love that it is only when all things are gathered to christ as the one head of all humanity eph 1 : 10 that we can achieve the peace we pray for each year 我们宣扬基督是我们的和平弗2 : 14和我们的希望参阅哥1 : 27 ,而凭著我们的信德与爱德,我们深信,万有总归于基督元首时弗1 : 10 ,我们可获致每年所求的和平。