

  • air shrinkage



  • 例句与用法
  • The results indicated that in the precondition of eligible durability , 11 % of fa content and 7 % of stone powder content had the composition effects , which made concretes have best workability and strength , and restrain the shrinkage to a degree
    结果表明,在耐久性满足要求的前提下, 11 %掺量的粉煤灰与7 %含量的石粉产生了良好的复合叠加效应,使混凝土获得了最佳和易性和强度值,且对干缩起到了一定的抑制作用。
  • At the same time , the factors affecting dry shrinkage and durability are also analysed . the mix proportion parameters of hprrc are determined , while hprrc is good in workability ( slump 30mm ) , and can meet the needs of opening traffic within 12 ~ 48h . 5
    4 、采用多元回归分析方法探讨了影响12h 、 24h 、 28d高性能快速修补砼抗折强度的因素;还对影响hprrc干缩性能、耐久性能的因素进行了分析,确定了hprrc配合比设计参数。
  • Then according to temperature gradient and humidity gradient , which are the essential factors inducing concrete cracks , distribution of thermal and moisture within young concrete and numerical methods to calculate temperature stress and shrinkage stress are systematically analyzed
  • The cold resistance and the water permeability resistance of the recycled coarse aggregate concrete were also test . the principle and the influencing factors of the drying shrinkage , the freeze thaw action and the water permeation action of the recycled coarse aggregate concrete were briefly narrated
  • 9 . okume : origin of africa . wooden features : gloss strong , straight texture ; fine structure , uniform ; light weight ; soft hardness ; low intensity ; easily processed , containing silica , easy blunt tool ; peeling excellent performance ; surface bristle slightly ; good adhesive properties , nail easily
  • 2 . okume : origin of africa . wooden features : gloss strong , straight texture ; fine structure , uniform ; light weight ; soft hardness ; low intensity ; easily processed , containing silica , easy blunt tool ; peeling excellent performance ; surface bristle slightly ; good adhesive properties , nail easily
  • Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete ( ppfrc ) , steel fiber reinforced concrete ( sfrc ) and mixed fiber reinforced concrete used in plate of bridge are studied . the performances of concrete with different fiber content , such as compression strength , tension strength , splitting tensile strength , frost resistance , shrinkage , early shrinkage and chloride ion diffusion coefficient ( dcl - ) are studied
  • 3 . the results of research on durability of hbc concrete including resistance of freeze - thaw , permeability , carbonation , corrosion as well as shrinkage and sub - microstructure structure exhibit hbc concrete has good properties of freeze - thaw resistance , permeability resistance , carbonation resistance , corrosion resistance and less shrinkage compared with opc concrete
  • In the aspect of improving the cracking feature , compatibility and flexibility , the author has done experiments , including strength , modulus of elasticity experiments , and design some experiments similar to the practical structure and circumstance including adhesion strength between fresh mortars and old ones , between mortar and polystyrene board , mortar shrinkage in concrete circle , mortar shrinkage at different strength and different polymer - cement ratio , and temperature deformability at different strength and different polymer - cement ratio on mortars , on different type of formwork and on mortars with different type of formwork
  • The influence of polypropylene fiber , expansion agent and both of them on moisture expansion and dry shrinkage of the filled wall were systematically tested . the testing results and theoretical analysis slowed that polypropylene fiber was the most beneficial to restrain it ’ s moisture expansion and drying shrinkage , however , the block doubly blended with polypropylene fiber and expansion agent can most beneficially improve crack - resistance of wall filled with the stone ballast block , at the
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 干缩的日语:かんそうしゅうしゅく
  • 干缩什么意思:失去水分而收缩。    ▶ 刘亚舟 《男婚女嫁》第四一章: “ 程济仁 的脸渐渐像乾缩的牛皮一样难看地抽巴了。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
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