- 干缩 air shrinkage
- 疗法 therapeutics; therapy; treat ...
- 干缩比 ratio of tangential to radial shrinkage
- 干缩的 dried up; dried-up
- 不定形干缩 collapse
- 不均匀干缩 restrained shrinkage
- 初始干缩 initial drying shrinkage
- 初始干缩率 initial drying shrinkage
- 干缩差异 ratio of tangential shrinkage to radial shrinkage
- 干缩裂缝 desiccation crack; desiccation fissure; desiccationfi ure; dessication fracture; disiccation fissure; shrinkage cracks
- 干缩裂隙 desiccation crack; desiccation fissure; klizoglyph
- 干缩苹果 shrivelled apple
- 干缩翘曲 cupping
- 干缩损耗量 shrinkage losses
- 干缩系数 coefficient of shrinkage; shrinkage coefficient
- 干缩折减 reduction of drying shrinkage; reductionofdryingshrinkage
- 干燥失重;干缩 drying shrinkage
- 骨干缩短术 diaphyseal shortening
- 混凝土干缩 concrete shrinkage
- 木材干缩 wood shrinkage
- 原始干缩 initial dry shrinkage; initial drying shrinkage
- 疗法 therapeutics; therapy; treatment; therapia; therapeusis; iatreusis; iateria; receipt 顺势疗法 homepathy; 按摩疗法 chiropraxis; 新针疗法 new acupuncture therapy; 放射疗法 radio therapy; 作业疗法 occupational therapy; 化学疗法 chemotherapy; 针灸疗法 acupuncture therapy; 疗法失当 malpractice; malpraxis
- 干缩多边形土 shrinkage polygon
- 圆筒烘干缩率 tumbler shrinkage
- 高干缩率混凝土 high drying shrinkage concrete