learning; knowledge; scholarship 短语和例子
学问高深的人 a man of great learning; an erudite scholar; 大有学问 take a lot of learning; 做学问 engage in scholarship; do research; 别看种菜好像没啥, 其实大有学问。 growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning
长学问 a learning experience求学问 seek knowledge新学问 new learning学问,知识 learning学问的 literary学问上 academically; scientifically有学问 learned知识、学问 wisdom做学问 do research搬弄学问 show off one's erudition病毒学问题 voprosy virusologii大有学问 take a lot of learning而学问无穹 as well be hanged for a sheeas a lamb高级学问 greater lore; greaterlore高深的学问 higher learning刮胡学问 the art of shaving家小学问大 science around the house科学问题 scientific problems买弄学问 parade one's knowledge卖弄学问 show off one's learning [knowledge]; parade one's knowledge; be pedantic 这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。 the book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry卖弄学问的 pedantic卖弄学问地 pedantically钱的学问 trouble with money实在的学问 solid learning学问, 学术成就, 奖学金 scholarship学文化 learn to read and write
In science, as in life, learning and knowledge are distinct . 在科学中,就象在生活中一样,学问 和知识是两码事。 And what will all her learning and her daintiness do for her, now ? 现在她所有的学问 和她的文雅对她又有什么用呢? He investigates theology, and metaphysics and all sorts of subjects . 他研究神学,还有形而上学,还有各种各样的学问 。 Science means honest , solid knowledge , you can 't just play around . 科学是老老实实的学问 ,任何一点调皮都是不行的。 Gentlemen, shoveling is a great science compared with pig-iron handling . 先生们,同搬运生铁相比,铲工是一门重大学问 。 He saw no room for mysterymongering in matters of science and mathematics . 他认为在科学和数学问 题上不该有故弄玄虚之处。 He is gentle, never schooled and yet learned, full of noble device . 他是很高贵的,没上过学,可是很有学问 ,有高尚的心胸。 Elizabeth's mind ran on acquirements to an almost morbid degree . 伊丽莎白心里念念不忘学问 的事情,几乎达到一种病态的程度。 A very clever and learned young doctor lives in the place you are going to . 在您去的地方,住着一位非常聪明,有学问 的年轻大夫。 A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge , understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning . 世事洞明皆学问 ,人情练达即文章。
学问的法语 :名 savoir;connaissances;instruction做~s'adonner à des recherches scientifiques.学问的日语 :(1)学問.学術.『量』门. 这是一门高深的学问/これはとても奥深い学問だ. 做学问/学問を研究する. (2)知識.要領. 别看种菜好像没啥 shá ,其实大有学问/見たところ野菜作りなんかなんでもないようだが,実はなかなか要領が要るんだ. 他们弟兄三个都很有学问/あの3人兄弟はいずれもみな知識が豊富だ. 这里头大有学问/これには大いにわけがある.学问的韩语 :[명사] (1)학문. 这是一门新兴的学问; 이것은 새로운 학문이다 (2)학식. 지식. 有学问; 학식이 있다 学问很深; 학식이 깊다学问的俄语 :[xuéwen] 1) наука 2) знания 有学问的人 [yǒuxuéwende rén] — образованный человек学问什么意思 :xué wen ①正确反映客观事物的系统知识:这是一门新兴的~。 ②知识;学识:有~│~很大。