学问 learning; knowledge; scholarship 学问高深的人 a man of great learning; an erudite scholar; 大有学问 take a lot of learning; 做学问 engage in scholarship; do research; 别看种菜好像没啥, 其实大有学问。 growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning
卖弄学问 show off one's learning [knowledge]; parade one's knowledge; be pedantic 这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。 the book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry
I have not the gifts that are necessary for scholarship . 我没有做学问所必须的天资。
But you ' re a robber . don ' t pretent to be a scholar 至尊宝:你只是强盗啊大哥,别学人家做学问。
Another trait of eastern culture is humility in learning 东方文化传统另一个特点是强调做学问的谦虚态度。
He started with two factors of intelligence and diligence and then summarized three stages that included two arrangements in every stage for learning 他从智慧与功力两个方面入手,总结了做学问的三个阶段,每个阶段又分为两个层次。
" we need hospitality and we need room , we need hotels , we need service ; and , in some places , really this does not exist , like in france , " briatore , who is italian , said 当上版主,并不能代表你具有了该版最高的水平;很多高手不想当版主的原因,只是想专心致志地做学问而已。
It is essential to rebuild dignity of the teaching profession in order to recover this spirit . qian mu summed up the means and notion of learning during his academic road at his old age 以教育为事业,以学术研究为安身立命之所在,钱先生在学术的道路上不断跋涉,并在晚年总结出自己一生做学问的方法与感悟。
This is a place where you can master the research methods , and meet the real scholars . more importantly you can comprehend here that the first step to study is to learn to be a man , a real man 这里也使你能够见识到大家的风范,学到做学问的方法,更可贵的是,能让你明白做学问的第一步是做人,做一个堂堂正正的人。
The paper exposes its overt negative impact , i . e . , with the limited scope and stereotype of the questions , it readily drives candidates towards the officials instead of scientific progress 最为明显的影响是: “科考”通过对学问范围的界定和做学问目的的引导,使读书人忙于读“经”做官,冷落了其他学问,阻碍了自然科学技术的进步。
The most important part of each course was the making of presentations . i enjoy this program very much actually , in that i believe this provides me with more practical knowledge and promotes my interest in carrying out research 每门课一项重要的内容就是制作课件,这是我特别喜欢的一个项目,因为在这过程中你能学到更充实的知识,能真正体会到做学问的乐趣。
It consists of five chapters : calling on traditional spirit of education again ; dignity of the teaching profession ; methodology of learning ; secondary education reform ; the dream of ideal higher education and its realization 分为五章,分别是“再倡传统教育之精神” 、 “师道之尊严” 、 “做学问的方法论” 、 “中等教育改革论” 、 “理想的大学教育梦与实现” 。