

音标:[ dàhuìbùjiě ]   发音:
  • be not a little bewildered; be greatly [utterly; extremely] puzzled; be in a puzzle (about ...); be unable to make head or tail of sth.; be at a loss



  • 例句与用法
  • But , inevitably , if the court announces the same view , the public may think this is succumbing to the basic law committee ; conversely , if the court comes to a different view , the public will feel confused
  • At this pertinent suggestion , mr bloom , to change the subject , looked down , but in a quandary , as he couldn t tell exactly what construction to put on belongs to which sounded rather a far cry
  • Much to the puzzlement of his wife , his children , his boss , and his neighbors , he chases his dreams , gives rein to his fantasies , tries ? with more ingenuousness than skill ? to lessen his burden and that of those around him
  • Nevertheless , it is little disappointing that director billy chung did not spend too much time on this atypical character , most of the film is in fact assigned to the love sub - plot between julian cheung and maju ozawa , which is depicted in a dry and insipid manner
  • There are people who seem to have no notion of sketching a character , or observing and describing salient points , either in persons or things : the good lady evidently belonged to this class ; my queries puzzled , but did not draw her out
  • But i cannot give him orders in this case : i cannot say " beware of harming me , richard " ; for it is imperative that i should keep him ignorant that harm to me is possible . now you look puzzled ; and i will puzzle you further
  • And if alan greenspan is puzzled by it , i have no better answer to offer than the general explanation put forth by others : that there is an excess of savings in a large part of the world economy that is chasing after , and driving down , the yield
  • In most chinese horror movies , the exorcist is always a chinese monk or dao master , it is rare to have a catholic clergyman to fight the ghost . nevertheless , it is little disappointing that director billy chung did not spend too much time on this atypical character , most of the film is in fact assigned to the love sub - plot between julian cheung and maju ozawa , which is depicted in a dry and insipid manner
  • You looked very much puzzled , miss eyre ; and though you are not pretty any more than i am handsome , yet a puzzled air becomes you ; besides , it is convenient , for it keeps those searching eyes of yours away from my physiognomy , and busies them with the worsted flowers of the rug ; so puzzle on
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 其他语种释义
  • 大惑不解的法语:être très embarrass
  • 大惑不解的日语:〈成〉まったく不可解である.まったく理解に苦しむ.▼もとは「ぼんやりしていて何もわからない」意味だったが,現在では不満を表すときや反対するときにも用いる.
  • 大惑不解的韩语:【성어】 크나큰 의혹이 풀리지 않다. 매우 의심스러워 도무지 이해되지 않다.
  • 大惑不解的俄语:[dàhuò bùjiě] обр. быть в (полном) недоумении; не в состоянии ничего понять
  • 大惑不解什么意思:dà huò bù jiě 【解释】感到非常迷惑,不能理解。 【出处】《庄子·天地》:“大惑者终身不解,大愚者终身不灵。” 【拼音码】dhbj 【灯谜面】难解之迷 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于质问的场合 【英文】extremely puzzled
  • 推荐英语阅读
大惑不解的英文翻译,大惑不解英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译大惑不解,大惑不解的英文意思,大惑不解的英文大惑不解 meaning in English大惑不解的英文大惑不解怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
