

  • business credit
  • commercial credit
  • commercial standing
  • mercantile credit
  • trade combination



  • 例句与用法
  • First , i review the course that the china negotiable instrument market has passed and the status quo that the china negotiable instrument market is at . after liberation , our nation carried out planned economy , there was neither commerce credit nor commercial negotiable instrument
  • After reform and opening - out , with the development of commerce economy and the use of commerce credit , the negotiable instrument becomes more and more important and the negotiable instrument market made great progress . at present , negotiable instrument market enters it ' s fifth stage
  • As a developing country in the process of transmission , we suggest that china select a synthetical method to finance annuity , including the social insurance tax , pension bond , social insurance lottery , treasury compensation and selling national assets , etc . at the same time , in the aspect of operation , we combines fixed assets investment , company and financial investment , stock investment and commerce credit to decrease risk and increase the value of annuity
  • It result in the following conclusions " core stockhoider , commerciai bank and commercial credit are the major finance providers , while the proportion is about 70 % ; the finance proportion from core stocmiolder is dropping yet from commercial bank and non - bank financial institution is rising with the evolution of the non - listed iniernet company ; the major pwt of the listed lnternat company on the nasdaq choose conservative capital structure and property to liability ratio is very low
    从统计结果来看,核心股东、商业银行和商业信用三者是美国新生(未上市)网络公司主要的融资来源; nasdaq上市网络公司大多采取保守型融资结构,资产负债率很低。通过分析信息产业融资结构的演变过程,可以推断网络公司将逐步向高风险、高报酬的融资结构方向演化。
  • After clarifying the classifications of financing patterns , there are two financing patterns in it , internal financing and external financing . the former includes the items of profit - deducted capital , depreciation funds , internal money raising and owner collecting , etc . the latter includes the items of bank loans , commercial credit , financing lease , stock financing , venture capital , joint operation and joint venture , etc . meanwhile , the thesis designs a system of functional evaluation index which is composed of six indexes , they are financing cost , financing risk , financing elasticity , financing facility and society effects . finally , the thesis has evaluated the above financing patterns with fizzy comprehensive evaluation methods ( fcem ) and drawn the following conclusions : 1
    在全面阐述融资方式不同分类的基础上,提出可供涉农小企业利用的融资方式分为内源融资和外源融资,前者具体包括留利资金、折旧基金、内部集资和业主自筹;后者包括银行贷款、商业信用、融资租赁、股票融资、债券融资以及风险投资、联营、合资等新型融资方式,并设计出由融资成本、融资风险、融资弹性、融资便利性、控制权影响性和社会影响性六个指标组成的功效评价指标体系,运用模糊综合评价方法对上述融资方式功效进行评价,得出结论: 1
  • Credit sale is the typical form of commercial credit which in turn is the premise for other credit transaction ’ s development . it is adopted for enterprises to raise profit and to strengthen their competitiveness in the market . although great achievements have been made through the system of credit sale , we have to take into mind that risks and profits always coexist
  • Empirical studies reveal that commercial credit of the listed companies is mainly influenced by long - term business relations instead of the government credibility ; that government credibility has strengthened the long credit capacity of the enterprises , but short - term loans depend more on business operations factors ; and that government contributes significantly to the securities financing capacity of the enterprises
  • Bill is one kind of valuable security : in accordance with law of negotiable instrument , drawer pays an amount of money or entrust other people to pay an amount of money to the holder of a bill unconditionally . bill is important in the development of our national economy , but because of some objective factors , chinese law of negotiable instrument is not very consummate
  • The paper proposes the conversion pattern between the liquidity and contract execution evaluation of the corporate credit structure , and studies the implicit guarantor role of the government credibility to the listed companies , and thus its impact upon their commercial credit , bank credit and securities credit
    摘要本文提出“流动性”和“及约评价”相互转换的企业信用结构的转换规律,并研究“政府信任”的隐性担保功能对上市公司的“履约评价” ,以及对商业信用、银行信用和证券信用的影响。
  • The author firstly examines some basic theoretical problems of consolidated supervision such as concept , characteristics , prerequisites and comparison between consolidated supervision and other supervisory patterns . then quoting the well - known scandal of bcci , the author investigates into the legal problems arising out of the operation of consolidated supervision . at the end of this chapter , the author explores the legislation and practice of consolidated supervision in e . u
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 商业信用的法语:crédit commercial
  • 商业信用什么意思商业信用 基本解释:在商品交易中采取延期付款或预付货款方式而相互提供的信用。它是商品经济中最早产生的信用形式。商业信用一般表现为记帐信用和票据信用两种形式。
  • 推荐英语阅读
商业信用的英文翻译,商业信用英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译商业信用,商业信用的英文意思,商業信用的英文商业信用 meaning in English商業信用的英文商业信用怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
