

音标:[ kūkūtítí ]   发音:
  • weep and sob; endlessly weep and wail; weep and sniffle; weeping and wailing; whine with plaintive broken sounds



  • 例句与用法
  • " well , " says i , a - blubbering , " i ve told everybody before , and they just went away and left us .
    “嗯, ”我哭哭啼啼地说, “我跟每一个人都说了,可是他们一个个都溜了,抛下了我们。 ”
  • Live your life so at the end , you ' re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying
  • You want whipping for bringing us in here at all , with your dastardly puling tricks ; and - don t look so silly , now
  • And as they waxed maudlin he studied them , watching the beast rise and master them and thanking god that he was no longer as they
  • If i fall to weeping and regretting this misfortune , and do nothing , all these goods and bullocks and even the lives of the people , including myself , may be lost
  • I heard him in a blubbering tone commence the tale of how that nasty jane eyre had flown at him like a mad cat : he was stopped rather harshly -
  • But hush , here comes our minister of justice ; he will feel obliged to make some little speech to the cousin , " and the three young men drew near to listen
    但是,不要再说了,我们的司法部长来了。他一定得对那个哭哭啼啼的堂弟说几句话。 ”于是那三个青年赶紧揍过去听。
  • His findings are borne out by the many sob stories posted on the website of the times educational supplement by recent trainees who have failed to secure a single job interview
  • I thought them poor girls and them niggers would break their hearts for grief ; they cried around each other , and took on so it most made me down sick to see it
  • J . j . was telling us there was an ancient hebrew zaretsky or something weeping in the witnessbox with his hat on him , swearing by the holy moses he was stuck for two quid
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 哭哭啼啼的日语:(哭哭啼啼的)ひっきりなしに泣く. 她被老师说了几句,哭哭啼啼地回家了/彼女は先生にしかられて泣きながら家に帰った.
  • 哭哭啼啼的韩语:[형용사] 하염없이 훌쩍거리는 모양. 哭哭啼啼地离别了; 하염없이 훌쩍거리며 이별하였다
  • 哭哭啼啼的俄语:[kūkū títí] обливаться слезами, горько плакать
  • 哭哭啼啼什么意思:kū kutítí 没完没了地哭。
  • 推荐英语阅读
哭哭啼啼的英文翻译,哭哭啼啼英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译哭哭啼啼,哭哭啼啼的英文意思,哭哭啼啼的英文哭哭啼啼 meaning in English哭哭啼啼的英文哭哭啼啼怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
