" well , " says i , a - blubbering , " i ve told everybody before , and they just went away and left us . “嗯, ”我哭哭啼啼地说, “我跟每一个人都说了,可是他们一个个都溜了,抛下了我们。 ”
Live your life so at the end , you ' re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying 当你走完你的人生而抵达终点时,你应当是那个带着满足的微笑的人,而围绕着你的人们却为你而哭哭啼啼。
You want whipping for bringing us in here at all , with your dastardly puling tricks ; and - don t look so silly , now 你用你那怯懦的哭哭啼啼的把戏骗我们到这儿来,你简直该挨鞭子抽而且现在,别现出这样呆相啦!
And as they waxed maudlin he studied them , watching the beast rise and master them and thanking god that he was no longer as they 别人喝醉酒哭哭啼啼他就冷眼旁观,眼看他们兽性发作不能自拔,便感谢上帝自己跟他们再也不同了。
If i fall to weeping and regretting this misfortune , and do nothing , all these goods and bullocks and even the lives of the people , including myself , may be lost 连我也哭哭啼啼,怨天尤人,束手待毙,那么全部货物、牛群及所有人都要完蛋。
I heard him in a blubbering tone commence the tale of how that nasty jane eyre had flown at him like a mad cat : he was stopped rather harshly - 我听他哭哭啼啼,开始讲述“那个讨厌的简.爱”如何像疯猫一样扑向他的故事。但他的哭诉立即被厉声喝住了。
But hush , here comes our minister of justice ; he will feel obliged to make some little speech to the cousin , " and the three young men drew near to listen 但是,不要再说了,我们的司法部长来了。他一定得对那个哭哭啼啼的堂弟说几句话。 ”于是那三个青年赶紧揍过去听。
His findings are borne out by the many sob stories posted on the website of the times educational supplement by recent trainees who have failed to secure a single job interview 你可以在时代教育增刊网站上看到许多因为他的这番话而一份工作都没有找到的毕业生们写的哭哭啼啼的求职经历。
I thought them poor girls and them niggers would break their hearts for grief ; they cried around each other , and took on so it most made me down sick to see it 我想啊,这些可怜的姑娘啊,这些黑奴啊,会多么悲伤,连心都要破碎啊。她们一路上哭哭啼啼,景象如此凄惨,我实在不忍看下去。
J . j . was telling us there was an ancient hebrew zaretsky or something weeping in the witnessbox with his hat on him , swearing by the holy moses he was stuck for two quid 杰杰告诉我们,有个叫扎列兹基还是什么名字的犹大老头儿,戴着帽子330在证人席上哭哭啼啼,他以圣摩西的名字发誓说,自己被骗去两镑。