停留 stay for a time; stop; remain 在北京停留一周 stay in beijing for a week; 在南京作短暂停留 have a brief stopover in nanjing; 由于发大水, 许多开车旅游的人被迫停留在那个镇上了。 many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods. 人类对自然界的认识在不断发展, 永远不会停留在一个水平上。 man's understanding of nature is developing all the time, it never remains at the same level
Schools should suspend classes for 10 days once a student staff member is confirmed to have contracted sars 如发现有员生证实染上严重急性呼吸系统综合症,即要全校停课十天。
Residents face another bout with winter with snow canceling classes in minnesota and stranding travellers elsewhere 在明尼苏达州,一场冬季才有的大雪使得学校被迫停课,旅客滞留。
In order to remedy the situation , school dinners and afternoon classes would be cancelled for two days in january , she said 针对这一状况,学校决定取消一月份两天的伙食供应并停课两个下午。
Residents face another bout with winter with snow canceling classes in minnesota and stranding travellers elsewhere 居民们面临又一次与寒冬的斗争,如明尼苏达州的停课和其它地方的旅客滞留。
More than 300 , 000 ? or nearly 40 % ? of france ' s teachers stayed off the job , the education ministry said , forcing some schools to close 教育部称,超过30万接近40 %的法国教师停课导致学校关门。
If there is school cancellation due to snow or any other emergency , the class parent will inform you through the phone chain 如果学校因下雪天停课或有紧急事件,家长代表将透过电话联络网通知您。
Residents face another bout with winter with snow canceling classes in minnesota and stranding travellers elsewhere 居民们正面对又一个冬天,明尼苏达州许多学校因为大雪停课,其他地方的旅客被迫滞留。
There will be no classes this week and next , december 24 and 31 , due to the christmas and new year holidays . happy holidays ! 因圣诞节及新年假期,学校将于十二月二十四日及三十一日停课。祝大家过节愉快。
Influenza pandemic is likely to spread rapidly in schools and other institutions leading to absenteeism and calling for closures 流感大流行很可能在学校及其他院校中迅速扩散,有机会引致高缺勤率,甚至停课。
New england ' s first major winter storm of 2008 snarled the monday morning commute with heavy snow and closed hundreds of schools 新西兰08年首次冬季暴风雪来临,大雪搅乱了礼拜一上午的交通,使得上百所学校宣布停课。