停靠 calling; stop; berth: 6艘万吨货轮可以同时在这个码头停靠。 six 10,000-ton freighters can berth at this dock. 下一个停靠站离这里很远。 the next stop is much further on.◇停靠港 port of call; 停靠站 stop station
Optimization design of large scale bus stop 大型公交停靠站优化设计研究
The bus stop ( taxi stand ) is right outside the gate 公交车站(出租车停靠站)就在大门外。
B : the bus stop ( taxi stand ) is right outside the gate 公交车站(出租车停靠站)就在大门外。
Research on the location of bus stops upstream the approach at signalized intersections 信号交叉口进口道上游公交停靠站设置研究
Stops along the route are candidates for new high - density housing , she says 她表示,轻轨沿线的停靠站将会是新建的高密度住宅区。
It is located at 33 yudaojie nanjing , adjoin ming dynasty the imperial palace park and nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics 酒店位于南京市白下区御道街33号,毗邻明故宫公园南京航空航天大学机场大巴瑞金路停靠站。
A diner can be a place for people in a community to gather , drink coffee and talk . or it can be a welcome stop for travelers on the road 一个餐车式饭馆可以成为社团的人聚集在一起喝咖啡和闲谈的地方。或者是受旅途中的旅行者们欢迎的停靠站。
A migrating workflow navigation model was defined based on the service type classification provided by the anchorage server , the previous service entity list structure of anchorage server was expanded , and the task execution process of migrating instances was described in detail 摘要在对停靠站服务器提供的服务进行类型划分的基础上,定义了迁移工作流系统的导航模型,扩充了停靠站服务器的服务主体表结构,详细描述了基于导航的迁移实例的任务执行过程。
Abstract : the authors clarify the structure of transit network , set up a new simulation analysis method for the transit based on the analysis element and build up analysis model for bus line and gpss simulation model for bus stop , and propose a method to build up the analysis and simulation model of transit network combined with case study 文摘:在剖析公交线网系统结构的基础上,以公交线路与停靠站作为公交线网运转分析的基本单元,构建了线路分析模型与停靠站仿真模型,并以实例阐明了公交线网运转分析仿真模型的构造方法。