Over the past ten years we have battled counterfeiters , cajoled suppliers and generally done whatever was required to build a brand of high quality air inflated toys in china 在过去的十年里,我们有开始的名不见经传发展为无论在技术规模还是质量上在业界都首屈一指的企业,并致力于制造最好的充气玩具。
The bush administration is trying to cajole china away from seeing the global balance of power in zero - sum terms and persuade it instead that a rising china and a strong america could not only coexist but thrive together 布什政府正努力劝诱中国不再从零和的角度看待全球的力量平衡,使其转而相信一个崛起的中国和一个强大的美国不但能共存而且也能共荣。
The man making the report was a driver from china motor bus company . he said that it was an open secret that many of his colleagues had been stealing coins from bus fare collection boxes . in order to silence him , they cajoled him into accepting bribes 前来廉署举报的男子是中华巴士公司中巴的司机,据他透露,许多同事串通一起,半公开地从巴士钱箱偷取硬币,为免罪行被揭发,便游说他收贿,同流合污,但遭他拒绝。
Executives at time warner and its hollywood subsidiary hope to spur sales of new dvd players and movies by gaining the support of retailers and cajoling rival studios into making their film and television libraries available in both formats on a single disc 时代华纳及其好莱坞分支机构的高管希望得到零售商的支持,一同诱使支持不同标准的制片商能将它们的影视作品以两种格式刻在一张碟上,这样就可以刺激新型dvd播放设备以及影碟的销售。
For the world ' s bankers , it has been the equivalent of seven years ' hard labour : since 1999 banks have been cajoled , at some cost to themselves , toward a new regulatory regime that will affect the all - important cushion of capital they hold to prevent a run on deposits 对于全球银行家而言,自从1999年各家银行被唆使加入这一监管体系,自行付出一些代价,改造它们为防止挤兑存款而拥有的至关重要的作垫资本,这已经是等同于七年的费力行动。
Any employee of a stock exchange or securities company or any member of a securities association or department for securities administration who deliberately provides false information or forges , alters or destroys transaction records in order to cajole investors into buying or selling securities and thus serious consequences have resulted , shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also , or shall only , be fined not less than 10 , 000 yuan but not more than 100 , 000 yuan ; if the circumstances are especially serious , he shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined not less than 20 , 000 yuan but not more than 200 , 000 yuan 证券交易所、证券公司的从业人员,证券业协会或者证券管理部门的工作人员,故意提供虚假信息或者伪造、变造、销毁交易记录,诱骗投资者买卖证券,造成严重后果的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处一万元以上十万元以下罚金;情节特别恶劣的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处二万元以上二十万元以下罚金。
During a 30 year business career in the retail , manufacturing , and distribution sectors , he accumulated a wealth of knowledge in strategic business development internationally , and became determined to teach , cajole , and persuade business entrepreneurs the virtues of planning , and making the most of the skills of individuals 郝杰夫先生在长达30年职业生涯中,涉及过零售业、制造业、和分销业,在商业策略的国际性发展方面,积累了丰富的知识,从而使他决心把商业规划的精髓和个人技能的最大化传授给企业家作为自己的追求。
cajoleとは意味:cajole v. 甘言でだます, おだてて(…)させる. 【+前置詞】 ◆cajole sth from sb 甘言を弄して人からものを取りあげる I managed to cajole a reluctant consent from the committee. うまくおだてて委員会から不承不承ながらも同意を取りつけた ◆cajole sb into consent 人を丸めこんで承諾(な...