invective adj. 诽谤的,责骂的。 n. 〔pl.〕骂人的话。 a stream of coarse invectives 一连串下流的骂人话。 utter invectives against sb. 痛骂某人。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
The saleswoman inveigled the poor girl into buying four hats . 女店员诱骗那女孩买了四顶帽子。
In the main, the eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle kennedy into underwriting it's policies . 总的说来,艾森豪威尔政府并没有设法诱骗肯尼迪在它的政策上签字画押。
There , despite himself , he was inveigled into making public his engagement 在那里,尽管他不太愿意,还是受骗公布了他的订婚。
He inveigled them into buying a new car , even though they didn ' t really want one 他诱惑他们买了一辆新汽车,其实他们并不真正需要
Have your daughters inveigling them to your house . stuff them up with meat and drink 140还说你的女儿们可曾把他们勾引到你家来呢
5 inveigling a client into making an unnecessary purchase or sale of securities in order to obtain a commission ; or 五为牟取佣金收入,诱使客户进行不必要的证券买卖
Scully : mulder , not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy and not everybody is plotting to deceive , inveigle , and obfuscate 史卡利:穆德,并非每件事都是黑暗阴谋的迷宫,也并非每个人都图谋欺骗、诱陷、使人迷乱。
The ultimate fallacy is theological : if god is omniscient and omnipotent , he should not need to be reminded or inveigled into healing someone 最严重的谬误是神学上的:如果上帝是全知与全能的,他不该需要别人提醒或诱骗,才去治愈某人。
Its greatest triumph is to inveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests , and even into identifying our very survival with its own 它最大的胜利就是诱使我们相信:它的最大利益,就是我们的最大利益:甚至认为它与我们共相生死。
inveigleとは意味:inveigle v. (人をだまして)…させる. 【+前置詞】 ◆inveigle a cigar from sb うまく機嫌を取って人から葉巻をせしめる inveigle a compliment from sb 機嫌をとって人からほめ言葉を引きだす ◆The salesman inveigled the girl into buying the ring. 店員は娘を言いくるめてその指輪を...