

  • booking a hotel room
  • br /reserve a room
  • make a reservation
  • making a reservation
  • unit nine room booking



  • 例句与用法
  • Please make the reservation in due time . after aug 20th , 2007 , the reservation will be subject to room availability
  • Guests must guarantee the reservation with credit card or pre - payment . for non - guaranteed reservation will be cancelled by 18 : 00
    所有预订需要信用卡保证或汇一晚房费作订金致酒店,否则所预订房间仅预留致当日18 : 00
  • The r r system is intended to be an integrated way for users to reserve rooms or resources for meetings , events , or any sort of activity
    R & r系统旨在成为一种集成的方式,用于用户为会议、事件或任何种类的活动预订房间或资源。
  • Advanced reservation is required and final confirmation is subject to hotel ' s availability . only 5 complimentary rooms available per day
  • Situation 情景 : kane and her family intend to spend the holiday in another city this weekend . she makes a phone call to a hotel to make a reservation for a room
  • R ( receptionist ) : i ' m sorry . we ' re completely booked . oh , wait . i see someone canceled earlier today . we have one single room left
  • Greater credit can be extended to a guest whose address has been verified through an exchange of reservation correspondence than to a walk - in
  • If you are a vegetarian or have any allergies to types of meat , eggs or even fish , please let us know what you cannot eat by email , when you make a reservation
  • There is no cancel request dance that has to occur ; the changes are immediate with no chance of someone else reserving the room out from under the other users
  • While the newer r r system was more responsive than the original one , it still had some external dependencies that in some instances could allow rooms or resources to be double - booked
    尽管新的r & r系统比原来的更加具有响应性,但是它仍然具有一些外部依赖,比如允许重复预订房间或资源。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 推荐英语阅读
预订房间的英文翻译,预订房间英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译预订房间,预订房间的英文意思,預訂房間的英文预订房间 meaning in English預訂房間的英文预订房间怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
