- 订位 booking; reservation
- 订房间 make room reservation
- 附 attach; add; enclose
- 保留 continue to have; persist; r ...
- 条件 condition; term; factor
- 在 exist; be living
- 契约 contract; agreement; indentu ...
- 上 upper; up; upward
- 契约附保留条件 make reservations
- 定位, 定房间等, 附保留条件 make reservations
- 在契约上画押 make one's cross on a contract
- 不附保留条件的承兑 clean acceptance
- 保留条件;但书 salvo
- 不承担义务并保留条件 withoutengagementandunderreserve
- 不带保留条件的承兑 general acceptance of a bill of exchange
- 预订房间 booking a hotel room; br /reserve a room; make a reservation; making a reservation; unit nine room booking
- 保留条款 provis clause; proviso clause; reservation clause; reserve clause; salvo; saving clause
- 保留条文 saving provision
- 不附保留意见 unqualified opinion
- 附保留意见书 qualified opinion; subject-to option
- 契约上的承认 contractual acknowledgement
- 契约上的债务 privity in deed
- 向旅社订房间 book a hotel room make correctionsrevise
- 逗留条件 condition of stay
- 附加保留条款 qualification